Flying With Winter

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Julie wakes up the next morning and opens the door. She sees Winter with an angry expression on her face.

Julie:"I know,I know. Mike was alive this whole time and I didn't tell any of you."

Winter:"I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. Mike Toreno was alive all this time and you didn't do anything? Didn't say anything?"

Julie:"I know,Goddamn it,I know! I just... didn't want any of you to worry,okay?!"

Winter:"Okay. You should freshen up,then I'm gonna teach you how to fly a plane and a helicopter."

Julie:"Freshen up? This place is a fucking dump! How am I supposed to freshen up here?"

Winter gives Julie a mirror,face wash,and other products.

Winter:"There. We have a long day ahead of us,so be ready."

Julie:"I guess I deserve this,huh?"

Winter:"As much as I hate to say it,you kinda do."

Julie freshens up and sees Winter with a plane.

Julie:"Let's get this over with. Victor's counting on me to bust him out."

Winter:"Remember,flying planes and helicopters is no joke. Let's go."


Julie enters the pilot's seat and Winter enters the seat behind her.

Winter:"Now,you know how to start a plane?"


Julie sees the controls and was confused as hell.

Winter:"You flick this switch right here."

Winter points to a switch and Julie uses it while putting her foot on the brake.

Winter:"Next,you gotta take off."

Julie:"And how am I supposed to do that?"

Winter:"Before I tell you,you always need to know,when flying a plane or a helicopter,you always gotta be alert. Not many people survive plane crashes after all."

Julie:"Damn. Now how do I do this?"

Winter:"You go forward slowly and pull the stick backwards."

Julie accelerates slowly and pulls the stick backwards to lift the plane off the ground slightly.

Winter:"Now,you lift the wheels."

Julie presses a button labeled "Wheels",and the wheels lift up.

Winter:"Looks like you're doing it."

Julie:"I guess you're right."

Julie flies the plane around the airfield a few times.

Julie:"Okay,now what?"

Winter:"Now,you're gonna land the plane."

Julie:(under her breath)"Fuck..."

Julie brings out the plane's wheels and slows down a bit. Then,she lands on the airstrip and gently stops in the center.

Winter:"There. Now you know how to fly a plane."

Julie:"Is that all?"


Julie:"There's more?!"


Julie:(under her breath)"Oh my God..."

Over the course of five hours,Winter teaches Julie how to fly a helicopter and how to activate its weapons. Then,she teaches her how to use a stunt plane performing barrel rolls and loop de loops. Now it was 09:45 PM.

Winter:"There's one last test."

Julie:"What's that?"

Julie was suddenly in a helicopter with a walkie-talkie next to her ear.

Julie:"Skydiving?! Are you fucking serious?!"

Winter:"Just roll with it!"

Julie:"If I die and come back as a ghost,I'm going after you first!"

Winter:"You aren't gonna die! Just remember your training! You'll be fine! Now jump!"

Julie jumps out of the helicopter and nose dives towards the target. As soon as she was 100 feet into the air,she activates her parachute and lands safely on the airstrip outside the safehouse. She starts breathing heavily in exhaustion.


Winter walks out of the safehouse with a pilot's license.

Winter:"Congrats,Julie! You just got your new pilot's license!"

Julie:"About fucking time..."

Winter gives Julie her new license and hugs her tightly.


Winter:"No problem."

Winter leaves the airstrip and Julie goes to sleep on the beanbags in the safehouse.

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