Meeting a Casagrande

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Julie's phone starts ringing,and she picks it up.



Julie:"It's good to hear your voice again,bro! What's happening?"

Victor:"What do you think is happening? I'm inside a prison hospital,little sis."

Julie:"I know,bro. Are you okay?"

Victor:"Hell no. You gotta do something,little sis."

Julie:"I'm trying,bro. I just need to make sure that everyone's okay,first."

Victor:"Alright. Gotta go."

Julie:"Don't worry,bro. I'm not gonna leave you in there."

Victor:"Okay. Later,Julie."


Julie hangs up,and Ana comes up behind her,hugging her.



Julie:"So,you think Lincoln's gonna kill the guy that those C.R.A.S.H fools told us about?"


Lincoln goes to the top of Mount Chilad,and parks his bike nearby a cabin.

Lincoln:"This must be the place."

Lincoln sees that there were a few FIB guards patrolling the area.

Lincoln:"The target must be inside the cabin. Better do this quietly."

Lincoln pulls out a silenced pistol,and takes out the guards quietly. Then,he sneaks inside the cabin,and kills the target by stabbing him in the neck.

Lincoln:"Now,to take a photo."

Lincoln takes a picture of the dead body with a camera,and then he gets back on his bike,goes back to the trailer,and hands the photo to Tenpenny and Pulaski.

Tenpenny:"How's it looking,Eddie?"

Pulaski:"Looks like our boy's done good!"

Tenpenny:"You be safe,now."

Tenpenny and Pulaski drive off,and Lincoln's phone start ringing. He picks it up,and it was a call from Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne:"Hey,Lincoln,it's Ronnie."

Lincoln:"Hey,Ronnie Anne."

Ronnie Anne:"You okay? I heard some shit went down."

Lincoln:"I'm okay. Los Santos is dangerous right now. Julie,Ana and I are stuck in the middle of... Whetstone,or... whatever it's called."

Ronnie Anne:"Wait,did you say Whetstone?"


Ronnie Anne:"My cousin's somewhere near there."

Lincoln:"Where is your cousin?"

Ronnie Anne:"She should be in the diner over Dillimore over in Red County."

Lincoln:"Okay. Later,Ronnie."

Ronnie Anne:"Bye,Lincoln."

Lincoln hangs up,and he goes back inside the trailer.

Lincoln:"Ronnie Anne just called."

Ana:"What did she say?"

Lincoln:"She's got a cousin over in Dillimore."

Julie:"Then let's go."

Lincoln:"I'll handle it. Just lay low for a bit,and I'll be back."

Ana:"Do you even know where the diner is,dude?"

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