Chapter 1

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The boy was becoming more numb as the second passed by

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The boy was becoming more numb as the second passed by. Every insult and names that his family called him, pierced straight through his heart. For sure it was not his fault, he knows that, but somewhere in his heart he believed that his arrival to this family when he was just 10 years old disrupted everything. 

The routine, the happiness the family once had was all destroyed the day he entered this house. 

His father was never a good man. Mrs. Jeon knew what she was getting into when she married the person who cheated on her like five times when they were in a relationship. The fact that the behavior extended after their marriage was not surprising at all. People say love is blind and this woman was surely blind.

At the age of 49 was when Mr. Jeon was awestruck seeing the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Posing as a rich person, helping the poor girl who was in no state to pay for her studies, getting closer and eventually threatening her to pay back all the money he spend on her or to agree with his needs. Jungkook's mother was just a sweet, naïve and poor girl who had to give birth to the innocent baby at a mere age of 23 while Mr. Jeon surprisingly did send her some money to take care of the baby monthly. 

That is until she had a stroke. She was just 32 at that time. Nine year old Jungkook had spent the entire year in the hospital while Mr. Jeon was getting fed up with the hospital bills and hospital visits, eventually deciding to stop paying for the treatment and supposedly taking her to a different and more advanced hospital. That was the last day little Jungkook saw his mother. Once cheerful and beautiful woman breathed her last when she was just 33 and her son was 10. 

Unfortunate for Mr. Jeon, Jungkook's mother had given his name as the father in Jungkook's birth certificate which made him responsible for the safety and development of the kid. The bambi eyes was looking at him with full curiosity. He had seen the man's pictures here and there and he knows that the potbelly man was his father. But he seemed a bit too old he thought. 

He only remembers hearing...
"Now that I have to put up with you, better behave. My wife and kids are not gonna be happy and might do anything to vent their anger. So you are going to suck it up and keep your head down. HEAR ME?"

Flinching at the tone, he just nodded. That was probably when the life, the glimmer, the curiosity in his eyes was last seen. Every day from then till today has been a series of beatings, curses and hungry nights.

Leaving him to the three most cruelest people in the house, Mr. Jeon passed away due to natural causes when he was 70, while his 61 year old step mother and his step siblings were now the ones who he had left. Not that he hates them, but he hoped if they would see him as a human if not a family. Not even animals get treated like this.

|| Present day ||

"Mom, but we can't not give him anything from dad's properties. He can go against us in the court you know?" Jinsung whispered to Heera who had a scowl on her face hearing her son. 

It was an important day for the Jeon family. Today they were distributing all the property of the Jeon's household to each of their children. There was their family lawyer, Jeon Hana, Jeon Jinsung and Jeon Heera. Jungkook was in his college whilst having no idea about this property distribution. His education was never a hindrance because the boy was basically gifted. He had 100% scholarship and studied nursing. His schooling expenses were taken care by Mr. Jeon till the day he was alive.

It's not been even an year since the old man's funeral and the family was already distributing his money and inheritance.

"Yes Mrs. Jeon. That is possible. If Jungkook want's to he can claim rights to Mr. Jeon's properties as he is biologically his son."

"That man has no other work, giving me headache even after his death. Tell me now, what to do? There is no way I am going to give him anything that will be useful... why don't we just threaten him?"

"Umm...yeah....I mean that is also possible, but... you know i-it's dangerous if the boy ever gets a chance to compla-"

"MOM!" Hana yelled, widening her eyes as if she had a wonderful idea in her brain. She hoped they would agree to her.

All the other three turned to look at her beaming face, eyebrows raised hoping its a good idea after all...
"The house....I mean grandma's house. In the country side"

Mrs. Jeon and Jinsung widened their eyes, gasping...lips stretched to a big smile as they praised her for the wonderful idea that she gave.

"Oof! how could I forget that stupid cursed house. I don't understand why he always kept that haunted looking building all these years." Heera vented as the lawyer looked at her confusedly asking for more explanation.

"Its Johan's mother's house. She moved there after her husband's death and died there itself. You know it was the most haunting scene I had ever seen. We found her body after like 1 week of her death *bleah* don't even want to imagine" Heera explained face scrunching into disgust as she imagined the past scene.

"Yeah that was disgusting...but from then dad nor any of us has visited that house. It was cleaned and aired and just abandoned since then. I don't even think dad remembered it during his last days" Hana mumbled but was audible to the group.

"So...Mrs. Jeon what is you final decision?"

"That abandoned house for that boy. Half this house and ancestral the house in Busan for Hana, Jinsung will get the penthouse in Gangnam and the remaining half of this house while the business will be also divided between them. Not that its a big or established one, but still it brings money for the family."

"Mom, you are living with me"

"Idiot! mom will live with us, we all are going to live here in this house and kick out that scrawny kid to that abandoned house. That's the plan" Jinsung replied giving a smack to Hana's head. The siblings started their fight while Heera rolled her eyes now looking at the Lawyer who had a somber expression painted on his face.

"Are you okay Mr. Yang? Why do you look off?" 

"I-i nothing Mrs. Jeon, Lets complete the will then" saying this the four of them again got to work for the will. 



Imma surprise you guys with smol pics of BTS rather than gifs in this story....its too difficult to find gifs that relate to the chapters making the writing process so slow bcs I don't like going to next chapter unless one is fully completed....:( Hope you will enjoy them<3


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