Chapter 24

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Two men were in a car, one worried over his husband, while the other who was angry and frustrated

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Two men were in a car, one worried over his husband, while the other who was angry and frustrated. Hands were gripping the steering so tight that his fingers were literally paining right now.

"Yoon, p-please slow down baby. You are dr-" he shrieked, as the tires of the car screeched, the entire car moving turning to the side as the man driving it stopped the vehicle all of a sudden from the high speed. Yoongi just let his head fall on the steering as a sob left his mouth, shoulder's shaking at the uncontrollable sadness that washed over his heart.

"Fucking Suicide? Really?? Those motherfuckers cannot do their job properly and that's what they conclude it as?" he yelled, not to his husband, but just out of frustration. Jimin took his hand, caressing it softly. Yoongi was never a person to show this much emotion, but when its the topic of his brother, he cannot control. Smile, laugh, cry whatever it maybe, his brother would be the one to bring it out of him other than his husband. Only these two understood him this well in the fucked up world of his, and losing one was never an option to him.

A month and a week had passed after they gave the missing complaint to the officers. Neither did Yoongi nor Jimin wanted to make the case official and make the news public about how his brother was missing. His family was ready to pounce on his wealth and snatch it away in a blink of an eye while many other random threats that were in his life. Both of them knew that making the news public and giving the official complaint will only put the other in more trouble because his family will only make sure that he wouldn't return back. Not like the poor boy was related to them in any way. At first they saw him as a burden, now just a money making machine. But his brother was always tried to be grateful to them because he respected Yoongi.

Funny how Yoongi himself despised them, but just a sliver of hope always remained that they might change one day and understand their mistakes. The two had lied to everyone saying that his brother was out of the country for a big event and that is why he was not in Korea. But how much more could they lie? The police officers found a dead body which was similar to height and weight of his brother near the railway tracks. The face was smashed by the train making it unidentifiable. Unfortunately for them, even the blood group matched and the officers immediately concluded his brother to have suicided due to family and job pressure.

But only Yoongi knew how much he loved to live, how much hope the other's eyes held each day. He wanted to achieve his dreams, become the best. Nothing stood as a hinderance in front of him, he always overcame everything. He wasn't afraid to get help, Yoongi and Jimin always supported him for everything, There was no way that the man whose body the officers found were his brother's.

"Yoongi, love c'mon you know its not the truth. Those officers are trying to get us off their heads with a lame conclusion. You believe our bear right? He is still out there. I don't know how much he is suffering right now, but we will find him okay?" Jimin consoled Yoongi whose eyes were letting out tears continuously.

Both got out of the car, to take some fresh breath. Yoongi drove in very high speed to god knows where for almost and hour. The locality looked cute to be honest. It was like a small countryside with its own village and township. They walked a bit further, hand in hand...relaxing as the cool evening wind hit their faces. A small cute looking café getting their attention.

"Can we have something to drink, I'm kinda hungry but I don't want to eat anything" Jimin mumbled looking at how there were two table still free making him happy that he needn't walk more to find another place. Yoongi just hummed, taking Jimin's hand in his and walking towards the entrance.

"Welcome to Moonchild, what can I get for you" the dimple smile coming out from Namjoon making the two seated to smile back at the waiter.

"I'll take a green tea latte" Jimin replied giving a small smile while Yoongi mumbled an "Espresso" making his husband widen his eyes and interrupt him.

"No, he'll take a chamomile tea please. Thanks a lot." he bowed his head as Namjoon walked away with a awkward smile, noting down the orders.

"Chim! why d-"

"You literally have a throbbing headache right now and you are going to drink espresso? Really?" The mochi glared at his husband folding his arms in the front, while Yoongi? We was effectively shut down by the younger with his cute glare. He would never in a million years want to make the other upset at all.

After almost half an hour later the two paid for their orders, Yoongi looking more bright as his husband's order of chamomile tea did magic in healing his headache, it was just a small pain right now compared to how it was paining the moment he exited the police station.

"Jin hyung, will two blocks of butter be okay fo-" Tae immediately stopped what he was asking to the man behind the counter as his eyes caught hold of another pair of eyes that seemed too familiar. Those eyes were getting into the car and now driving off? 

He immediately went towards the entrance to look properly only for them to drive away. 

"Tae? What happened? Any problem, you look confused?" Jin asked coming towards him, keeping a hand on his shoulders to comfort the younger. While Tae shook his head lying saying he saw a puppy there and was just excited to look at it. He did not want the elder and Jungkook to get frantic about him seeing someone familiar, it not even someone, it was just their eyes. 

Jin just smiled ruffling his hair and went back to the counter while Tae went back after getting to know how much butter he should use for making the croissants. The moment he entered the kitchen his worries and doubts were all gone, vanishing with no trace left seeing how Jungkook was swaying his body to the Christmas tune that was playing on his phone. He slowly approached the younger holding his hands from behind and turning Jungkook to face him, earning a shy squeak of being caught.

"Dance with me?" he asked, sound holding so much warmth and adoration as he extended his arm. Jungkook giggled taking it as both swayed, now together, bodies pressed a bit close, not too much, but enough to make the both flustered.

"You know, if Jin hyung catches us like this, I'm pretty sure he will kick us out for not doing our job" Jungkook said, eyes not leaving each other's while Tae just laughed as he bent down resting his head on the other's shoulders, humming and closing his eyes at the warmth he felt with the closeness of each other.





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