Chapter 51

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Taehyung and Jungkook were already in front of the police station, the elder looking at the cold grey building with a sorrowful face

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Taehyung and Jungkook were already in front of the police station, the elder looking at the cold grey building with a sorrowful face.

They had taken a taxi as both of them did not seem in the right state to drive anywhere.

"Ah! hyungie, don't worry. I'll pay" Jungkook said, immediately taking his purse from his back pocket as the elder gave a weak chuckle. 

"You sometimes forget that I am the heir of the largest fashion company love. But can't blame you. You just came to know that today" he said a small smile on his face as he tried to joke and make the tensed situation a bit bearable.

The younger smiled, the very reaction making Taehyung's heart to calm down by tons.

As they entered the building, they were greeted by Wooshik, not the happy and cheerful type of greeting. It was not the situation for smile and welcome, everyone looked either sad or tensed. 

The two were taken to the guest room, Taehyung seeing Yoongi crouched down on his chair as Jimin was running his hands behind him, consoling the crying man. Mr. Lee too was sitting beside them looking lost.

Everyone seemed to have cried as all their eyes were red. Especially Yoongi's.

The moment Yoongi felt the presence of his brother in the room, he lunged towards him, hugging him and crying millions of sorry(s) to his beloved brother. 

"H-hyung, why are you saying sorry to me? You did nothing wrong hyung, please don't cry" Taehyung said, his own voice wavering with sadness.

"T-they are my mother and father. As much as I knew from childhood that they were biased, I did not think that they'd stoop this low Taehyung-ah, Hyung is so sorry, I should have known this and protected you. It's beca-"

Taehyung put his palm over the elder's mouth, shaking his head not wanting to hear any self blaming of Yoongi. The man is an angel with the purest of hearts, and him saying sorry for mistakes of some evil people did not set right with Taehyung.

"They are the ones who are wrong hyung. We will make sure that they are punished for that okay? Please don't cry hmm?" he said, a sad smile on his lips as he softly wiped the tears of his brother's face, the red eyes crinkling a bit as Yoongi tried his best to give the younger a smile.

"Guys? They are here for questioning, please come" Wooshik said to all five men in the room as they nodded, Mr. Lee and Jimin standing from the couch to join the others. The five of them were taken to a corridor outside a questioning room that had a huge one-way glass window.

They could see Mr. Min and Mrs. Min in two separate rooms sitting on a chair with handcuffs. Respective officers in front of them who were looking at some files getting ready to question the two.

"Min Yohan? According to Ms. Lee Mina and Mr. Johnathan Miller, you were accused of making them agree to assassinate Mr. Kim Taehyung, you son in exchange of 40% shares of KA Fashion Ltd, am I right?" the officer started, but the old man sat there, gritting his teeth in anger.

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