Chapter 18

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Three pairs of curious eyes were staring at a wounded face

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Three pairs of curious eyes were staring at a wounded face. The three had no idea what to do or what to ask if the man wakes up. It was the next day morning, early morning to be exact. They couldn't really sleep comfortably with a unknown person in the house, hence everyone were well and awake by 6.00 in the morning, but the unknown man was still in deep slumber.

"Hyung...should we make some breakfast and eat?" Jungkook asked Jin as his stomach grumbled, no matter the time, if Jungkook gets up from his sleep he is hungry. The elder male looked at him and nodded, but denied any help in the kitchen and asked him to stay in the living room with Namjoon itself.

"Kook, did you not say that if he does not wake up then we have to take him to the hospital?" The elder mumbled, still in low voice. No one knew why, but from yesterday night everyone were talking in low voice.

"Yes hyung, but its still early...we'll see till 10 or something...still if there is no improvement then we can take him" Jungkook replied while Namjoon was hoping that the man would not wake till 10. He did not have the guts to face nor confront the man and get to know whatever his plan was being in Jungkook's house, he's rather have three police officers in his side while the man woke up. That is only possible is they take the him to the hospital.

The three were soon munching on pancakes drizzled with honey and some left over rice and soup from the yesterday night. Still they were having their full attention towards the male on the sofa, they did not want to miss any small movement that could be made by the male.

Hours were running, while Namjoon and Jin decided not to open their café for today because it was past an hour of their opening time and the so called "demon" was still unconscious. The clock ticked and the time was now 9.00 am. The bunno was getting tired of having to sit doing nothing but look for the male making any movement or any hint of getting up.

"Hyung, I am tir-"

"J-jungkook?" Jin called out to the younger at the same time a raspy groan echoed in the living room. Jungkook snapped his head towards the sound, now seeing the male on the couch squirming. His face was twisted looking like he was in pain. Namjoon neared the man, slowly tapping his shoulders to see if he will wake up fully.

It seemed like he was having a nightmare, whimpering and whispering help(s) and no(s) making the other three worry. Soon after a few minutes, the movement slowed and the man's breath seemed to be getting lighter. His eyeballs were frantically moving as if he was trying to wake up. After a few seconds the closed eyelids started moving, slowly opening while his face scrunched at the bright lights of the morning sun.

Namjoon backed up quickly, being a bit nervous to stand right beside the man who was waking up. The shadow was now fully awake, blinking his eyes for a few seconds and staring at the blank ceiling as if it was just a normal day, he turned his face, opposite to the three, now looking at the backrest of the couch in wonder. But soon as if realization dawned upon him, he quickly snapped his head towards the others who were staring at him in wonder.

He tried to get up, shock and fear running through his body, but the wounded man only winced at the excruciating pain that shot down his legs and torso. Jungkook immediately forgetting his nervousness, scurried towards the man, helping him to lay back down and covering half his body with a regular comforter that was on the couch. He quickly gave a glass of water that was placed on the table to him. The man looked at them in confusion and fear, not knowing what to do.

"What's you name?" Namjoon asked cautiously, and in a soft voice not to make the other even more startled.

The man looked at them, eyes wide as he sighed out in tiredness...he seemed to be looking confused at the question as he hesitated on what to answer, then the raspy and rough voice was heard mumbling out...

"T-tae?" he himself did not know. It was all he remembered, that was the only information his brain gave him. 

"Tae? Sir I might need your full name please?" Namjoon pressed, but only got a confused look in return from the man. He looked so lost and innocent making Jin and Jungkook feel bad for him.

The three sighed knowing that the man might be still in shock and will need quite a bit of time to come back to reality. Considering his beat up face and body, he might even have lost a few of his memory in the shock.

"Do you remember anything Tae?" Jin tried to get some information out of him, if they have to trust him, then minimum information is at least required, eyes widening slightly in hope as Tae opened his mouth to speak.

"M-men beat me up and I ran here" that's all he said before he crouched in a fit of coughs. Namjoon quickly went to the kitchen to get some more water and give it to the poor man. After a minute he was all right, looking at the three again to continue to say what he remembered.

"I d-don't know t-them, I w-was b-blind *cough* blindfolded" he said gulping down some more water.

"So you were living here in this house for all these days?" Jin asked coming to the main topic now, its been a few weeks since Jungkook was getting the so called "hallucination", but now they know that it was nothing but Tae moving around at night.

"I escaped and ran, I-i saw the door w-was open and got in. T-tried to hide and went t-to the basement."
"S-snowball?" he asked, eyes glistening as he looked to the three, while Jungkook was shocked to see the man still remembering his kitten. 

"S-snowball, the cat gave me half its f-food all the time. C-cute little thing" a small smile formed on his lips as he remembered the soft little creature that helped him survive the past days.
"I-i'm sorry, I went through your bag and stole some food the day I came here. I d-didn't mean to" 

"So you don't remember any of your past?" Jungkook asked again, but just got negative answer. It seemed like the man remembered everything from the day he was attacked but forgot everything before.

Jin slowly got up going to the kitchen mumbling..."I'll get you something to eat" as pure hunger and starvation flashed through his eyes making Jungkook feel bad for the man. It did creep him out over the fact that an unknown person was dwelling in his basement without his knowledge, but the circumstance and the need of survival made the man do this, he couldn't blame him for that, not like he posed a threat or anything. 

There were many vulnerable moments between them where Jungkook was literally asleep or in paralysis, the man could have done anything, but he did not which made Jungkook believe that he was not a harm to any of them.

"Hyung, maybe we can go to the local station and see if anyone has lodged a man missing case?" Jungkook asked to Namjoon to which the elder got up right away mumbling that he'd go right away. Tae looked at them in a scared manner but Jungkook immediately tried to calm him down...

"Umm, don't worry. If the person's description or name somehow resembles yours then we can easily find your family right?" He said smiling, to which Tae nodded and understood the reason Namjoon was going to the police on the first hand.

Tae was looking at the cute little bunno who was kneeling beside him while Jungkook was looking at Namjoon put on his shoes and walk away from the door. Jin was on his process of making some soup and rice for Tae. 

"W-what's your name?" Tae asked the male in front of him, Jungkook looked at the man with wide eyes, surprised at the question, but soon smiled...

"Jeon Jungkook"



Do you guys think their reaction to see the intruder was too chill or something? I really wanted Kook and Tae to meet and be happy fast, so that's why I did not add more drama😅 ...Love you guys<3


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