Chapter 7

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Jungkook sighed as he exited the bathroom, body dripping with droplets of cold water, shivering a little as the small hole in the broken window send chilling autumn wind through it

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Jungkook sighed as he exited the bathroom, body dripping with droplets of cold water, shivering a little as the small hole in the broken window send chilling autumn wind through it. Holding the towel by his waist tightly, he waddled towards his bag to look for something relatively warmer to wear for the night. 

As a matter of fact the house had no proper insulation, no heater or any stuff like that, he was sure to freeze in the night before the winter will approach. He put on a small pink T- shirt that showed a small slit of his toned tummy and pulled on the boxers along pants he uses to wear in his home. 

Drying the now wet hair slowly sitting on the bed, he was startled when he heard a knock on the door. His breath became heavy thinking who it would be at this time, It was almost 8.00 at night. The only ones who knows he is here is his family and his two hyungs. He was afraid if Jinsung or Hana would come here just to bother him.

Slowly getting up, clutching himself tightly to avoid the coldness of the house along with the cold water evaporating from his body, he opened the door, peeking slightly to look at the visitor only to see a middle aged lady in huge fluffy jacket standing there with a bag.

"Hello! are you Jungkook?" she asked cheerfully, smiling to make the boy in front of her to be clam and peaceful.

"Y-yes...Do i know y-you?" he asked warily, still peeking out not wanting to open the door fully.

"Haaha! no probably not. I am Choi Yuri. Seokjin's and Najmoon's landlord. I happened to visit them in the evening. So while heading out they asked me if I could drop these sheets and blanket to your house here." she said still standing out, forwarding the bag in her hands to the small boy.

"Mrs. Choi?...o-oh I'm sorry I kept you waiting outside, P-please come it."

"Oh no problem son. I must get going now. Will take an hour from here to reach my place and its getting cold. Will surely visit you guys some other day. For now I'll hand this to you" she said to the bunno who was now standing in front of her, without the same defensive look or position he had before.

The bunno bid byes after taking the bag from the kind lady, not able to contain his smile at the thought of his considerate hyungs. Maybe, just maybe the god has taken pity on him and is trying to make his life less of a sad joke.

He sat in the living room, waiting for the night to become a little more late, so that his sleep will engulf him. To be honest he was a bit terrified to sleep alone. When Jin and Namjoon asked if he would be okay to be alone at night, he put up a brave front saying he will be okay and now he was kinda regretting it.

He had always been an avid reader, so taking the novel he took from the college library, he started reading slowly hoping the sleep to fall upon his senses. But after half an hour, his ears picked up a slow rustling and mewling sound. The sound was becoming more and more profound, almost as if it was right outside the door. Jungkook got up to examine what it was, looked like some small animal was in trouble. 

He opened the door only to coo at the adorable sight in front of him. The same white cat that was outside when he came here was now wet from the slight drizzling rain. Probably cold too. As much as he was not capable of taking care of an entire animal for now, he still did not have the heart to abandon the kitten out in the cold night. So he took it in while the kitten curled itself in his warmth loving it.

"Aww cutie pie, you are so cold, wait a second here" saying this, he slowly placed the kitten down on the floor as he went to the bedroom to take a towel while the little four legged cuteness looked around in wonder at the new surrounding. Jungkook came out showing funny faces to the kitten that looked at him again mewling, asking to be taken to his arms as it was now slightly shivering.

The boy quickly started drying the kitten that was enjoying the warmth while staying silent in his hold. 

"You would probably be hungry huh...?" saying this both went towards the kitchen. He opened a small can of tuna fish and took quarter of it so that it will have a bit fishy taste and mixed it with the rice that he had made for tomorrow morning after taking a bit of it out in a bowl.

"I'm sorry little one. This is only there that I can give you for now. When I get a job, I'll buy many toys and cat food for you." he said placing the bowl and the kitten down on the ground outside the kitchen.

"Eat up okay? I'm, so sleepy. I'll wash up your bowl tomorrow. I'll go to sleep and feel free to join me snowball" he said giggling at the name he put for his new companion.

Snowball smelled the food, licking it slightly and started eating it slowly. After a few bites, it flinched at a small thud sound. turning its head towards the basement staircase, mewling slowly in fear and defense. Hairs were standing on its back as it was taking a stance to run away or attack if its any danger. But soon hearing a more creak like sound, it quickly ran away from the dark kitchen to the living room to snuggle on the couch that had a few throw blankets on it given to Jungkook by the couple.



(2.30 am)

The dark figure trudged the basement towards the stairs. Leaving a trail of blood behind it. The clothes were all torn and limbs were looking as if they were just hanging in there. Hair covered in dried blood , busted lip. Slowly the figure ascended the steps to the living area of the house.

Stopping by the kitchen, seeing the small plate of rice mixed with something that smelled like fish. The figure crouched, taking the plate with trembling hands, slowly bringing the rice to its mouth, gulping after chewing it with so much difficulty because of the parched throat.

Snowball was looking at the figure in the kitchen from the hallway. Curiously with its big beady eyes, a defensive stance already in position, meowing with a more deeper warning sound, not loud enough to wake up Jungkook but enough to get the attention of the intruder.

 The kitten tried to jump towards the dark shadow in the kitchen only to be caught harshly by it. Snowball's body was so small in the large palms of the shadow. Not wanting to hurt the little thing, the figure just a bit harshly threw it from a small height enough to scare the kitten, seeing it scurrying off to the living room to hide under the covers.

 Not wanting to hurt the little thing, the figure just a bit harshly threw it from a small height enough to scare the kitten, seeing it scurrying off to the living room to hide under the covers

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Ngl , even if some AI edits of BTS is like weird...the ones like these are just chef's looks so CUTEEEE<3 All hail for Snowball. Idk if there will be Bam or Yeontan in this...let's see I don't want to leave them alone tbh.


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