Chapter 11

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Dark circles were adorning the pale and thin skin under the eye

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Dark circles were adorning the pale and thin skin under the eye.  Jungkook was yawning almost continuously as he whisked the butter cream for the pastry filling. He was so tired that he doesn't even know how he is standing up without falling down.

"Jungkook, I clearly told you to take a day off, nothing will happen Kookie, please don't overwork yourself" Jin pleaded, throwing a worried glance to the younger as he trimmed the spongy cake readying it for the evening.

Almost ghostly looking Jungkook entered the café an hour before for his shift after the he did not even go back home. The worry of his pet being alone and hungry was making his heart and head ache. Jin and Namjoon were aghast looking at the boy's condition today. He looked fairly well yesterday but today it was the opposite.

He wasn't able to sleep a wink yesterday. First having to stay up late studying for his exam, next his sleep paralysis but this time the demon decided that it will be great to stand in front of his door. But the cherry on top was when he could see his cat climbing to its arms. He was terrified for his baby, but couldn't even move a finger. 

The very nice professor of his gave them extra papers to learn making all the students to stay back and learn for the next exam there itself. He hasn't eaten a morsel of food the entire day, just few sips of water and was ready to faint any second.

"It's all right hyung. J-just a bit tired" *yawn* Jungkook replied in a groggy voice making Jin twist his face in the clear lie that was visible. The younger wasn't even able to speak properly because all of his body was aching. 

"Jungkook!" Namjoon came inside after attending to all the customers for now, calling the bunno a sternly making Jin look at him in confusion, not even once he has heard this tone from his boyfriend. The younger turned around quickly at the tone, heart rate increasing as the past trauma of his flashed in front of him.

"H-hyung?" he trembled, now almost fully unstable as his head started spinning a bit. Everything that happened for the past two weeks was catching up to his tired body now. Jin gasped looking at the younger, while Namjoon regretted using his tone towards Jungkook. He was actually coming to the kitchen to send Jungkook back home as he could clearly see that the younger was not well.

Namjoon immediately caught Jungkook, before the boy could hit the ground. He felt so bad right now seeing the other's condition. He should have been careful with Jungkook.
"Joon, how can you forget baby? He was feeling unwell for many days now, and you shouted at him!" Jin said in a bit disappointed tone.

"S-shouted? I did not shout hyung. I'm sorry" the younger mumbled looking at the unconscious boy in his arms.

"Let's take him home. He must have been so exhausted. This kid! what do I do with him. I clearly asked him to stay at our home for some days till the exams are over" Jin rambled washing the dishes, while Namjoon lifted Jungkook and placed him in a long couch that was placed in a extended area in the kitchen. They then decided to wait for the existing customers to finish their food and drinks and just close for today. It's just been three hours since they opened for the evening, but it wasn't a problem. 

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