Chapter 27

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The moment he stepped into the air conditioned room his nerves only picked up

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The moment he stepped into the air conditioned room his nerves only picked up. Seeing the panel of four doctors, three in house and one visiting and the head nurse. He scanned the faces of each of them, few were old and some were middle aged and he was the only young boy here ready to start a new journey after answering the questions of these seasoned professionals.

But among all these chaos the only comfort he found was the visiting doctor was Dr. Hyungshik, the neurosurgeon who had attended for Tae when he first visited the hospital. The doctor gave him a small smile and a tight blink making him relax, a sense of familiarity towards the panel gave him the confidence that he can do it.

"Please introduce yourself Mr. Jeon" the main doctor in the middle asked him. He was the head doctor of the town hospital as looked like a good and calm man. Jungkook took a deep breath introducing himself, how he came to decide on this profession, his achievements and all he could remember that would make him look as if he was worthy of the internship.

After a few out of subject general questions, they started asking about the instruments, the pre operating procedures, sanitization procedures and its aftermath and many other stuff that he had learned in his college. Twenty minutes in he was quite exhausted. Recalling all four years worth of knowledge for the thirty minute interview was quite difficult.

The only thing that made his heart happy was the man that would be waiting for him right by the entrance to hear his result from his own mouth. The last five minutes of the interview had arrived and this was the most nerve wrecking five minutes of silence for him.

The panel were deciding on his result. In a way he was glad that he will get to know the result instantly, but a part of him thought it would be better if they sent him it through a message or letter, partly because he did not want to be embarrassed in front of Dr. Hyungshik. Not like they know each other well or anything, its just the thought of the doctor actually recognizing his work when he took care of Tae's injuries but now if he wasn't going to get selected, he thought that the doctor would think low of him.

He has always seen as some low life since his childhood, he did not want experience it again now that he has escaped from the family of his.

"Mr. Jeon, your results are ready." The head doctor said almost startling him. Eyes widened in hope and nerves, his chest was heaving heavily and he was trying his best to not seem nervous. But seeing the smile of the head doctor, his body instantly became cool, heart rate returning to normal.

"You are selected, congratulations. You can start you internship from the second week of January" he said nodding with a smile while Jungkook smiled wide, so happy and ready to jump to the arms of Tae and tell him the good news. He looked at Dr. Hyungshik who gave him a wink smiling at the success making him smile at him. Bowing and saying thankyou to all the five members, he opened the door only to frown as he did not see Tae waiting for him as promised.

He shrugged his sadness, hoping to meet the elder as he walked a bit further to see something he hoped he never saw.

A beautiful woman holding the hands of his Tae while the man was also having his hands on top of hers. It was as if they were speaking something. But his eyes were fixed on those hands that were holding each other. He saw the small smile that was on the lady's face, but removed his gaze before he could notice how it changed from smile to shock and shame.

He did not notice how her eyes were screaming shame and were becoming glossy at the rejection, his heart was burning with hurt, anger and jealousy seeing those hands that only he used to hold all these days holding someone else's. That's when he knew. He did not want Tae to go away.

Call him selfish but he did not want the other to get back his memories and go away back to his family, or worse a partner if Tae had any. He did not want anyone else coming to claim the elder as their family. He just wanted the man for himself. As his. 

The bliss that he got when they cuddled, when the elder would creep up behind him, resting his head on his shoulders to look at what he was cooking as his back was pressed against Tae's chest. Those lingering touches when they held hands or Tae left kisses on his hair or forehead. Everything flashed in his mind making him more angrier at himself and almost at everything that was in front of him. 

Jungkook dashed off to nowhere, the corridor making him suffocated. He wanted some fresh breath of chill winter air and he has to get away from the man who was still holding a stranger's hands while he promised to be there waiting for him.

"JUNGKOOK!!" he did not stop, his eyes were red with crying and also the chill wind hitting as he ran, taking another turn and dodging a few people who were walking the opposite of him. The younger heaved a sigh of relief seeing a taxi that seemed to be waiting for someone to call them, immediately giving them a signal, he dashed off to his home, not really thinking that going there is not going to let him escape from the elder as the man practically lived with him. 

Tae looked at the empty taxi spot with regret at anger. Anger at himself. He made a promise and he was not able to fulfill it. He could have been a little more harsher to reject that woman, then maybe she would have left him already and he could have waiting for his bunny by the entrance. Instead he was trying to be calm with her and he hurt his bunny.

He closed his eyes in frustration. He has never seen Jungkook this worked up about anything. This was totally new to him and he needs to fix this misunderstanding whatever it takes. The last thing he wants it to be living with Jungkook when the younger hates his guts.

But soon a groan left his mouth realizing that he did not have any cash with him. The two were rushing in the morning that Tae forgot to take his wallet.

He walked all the way back. It took two hours till his eyes saw the black, greyish house that he has been living in for all these days. He stood by the door, hands on the knob while he hesitated to turn it and see the younger. He did not know how the other will react but he has to do it anyways. 

Slowly opening the door, his heart clenched seeing the younger on the couch wearing a t shirt and shorts, almost freezing in the evening cold. His body slightly shook clearly indicating that he was crying.

"J-jungkook?" he called out to the boy, the younger visibly freezing at the voice that called out to him.

Jungkook got up, immediately rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tears and looked up to see the elder. 

Seeing the red and teary eyes, Tae wanted nothing but to wipe them off and kiss those eyes to calm them down. He wanted to hug him to his chest and comfort him. If he could he would have reversed the time and never let this happen at all. But the next words felt like the time just stopped.

"Why are you here?"



Oooooh! wait for the next chap....THE MOMENT is approaching *squeal*.


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