Chapter 44

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The head nurse had informed just few students to reach early today

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The head nurse had informed just few students to reach early today. And Jungkook was rushing to get his pants on. Almost forgetting to put on his zipper, but in the end there he was catching the taxi and hurrying to be there on time. She seemed serious when she informed just three among them to reach early and it was getting to his nerves. He was never great with suspense. 

As soon as he reached another student who was called was seen rushing to the hospital, leaving a relived sigh thinking that he wasn't late, Jungkook quickly went inside. Nodding at the other two who were waiting out of the head nurse's room. 

She opened the door and saw the three standing there and asked them to come in and sit on the chairs in front.

"So students, the reason why I called you is that...Seoul city hospital had contacted us yesterday and asked us to send three of our good performing interns as a collaboration intern program and as a smaller establishment, we thought that it would be a good opportunity for us as well as you students too."

"So if you are willing we have arranged regular transport for you to reach the hospital for the internship, if you are not willing then we will select some other student and you can continue here. That is not a problem at all." she said. Jungkook was stuck in thoughts, it was where Taehyung was admitted and if he goes, he can surely meet the elder.

But he had his doubts. Would Taehyung want to meet him? Did he even remember him after seeing his fiancée? Maybe going there would make a way to disaster and it would break him even more than now. But the next sentence from the head nurse stopped all his doubts and thoughts.

"But I'm sorry Jungkook, I don't think that you can opt out of this program. You will have to be transferred." she said, eyes conveying that she is helpless in this matter while Jungkook was surprised. He was sure that he was not the best performer in the internship because of what happened a few days ago and he was sure that if he rejects they'd accept immediately, but hearing the nurse say this he was dumbfounded.

He nodded his head in a daze not understanding what was happening at all. Only one among them opted out of the program saying that it was too far away for them and would be difficult for them to travel long distances on a daily basis, while the other student agreed for the program.

As soon as the three were dismissed, Jungkook was called again before he could exit the door.

"Jungkook? Actually the officials in from the hospital informed us that the head neurosurgeon of the hospital insisted your name to be added in the list too. That is why I am persuading for you to join this program. He works here as a visiting doctor, so you have nothing to worry" she said smiling making Jungkook surprised. Someone insisted for him to be added? That too the head surgeon? Was he dreaming?

The entire day was a totally blur while they had another meeting in the evening regarding the transport arrangement and the timing that they should be ready so that they can be picked up. This time a new student joined them who was willing to partake the transfer program. 

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