MJA: Lessons with Mike

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MJ: I don't understand how all this is happening........I mean.......I trusted these people.......We're  supposed to be friends.....

Mike: Look.... from here on, you have to remember to rule out EVERYONE......

MJ: Everyone?.......

Mike: ........Just until we can figure out who really is behind all this.......DON'T TRUST ANYONE!

MJ: (Raises eyebrow) Anyone? (squints at Mike)

Mike: Yes.......Me, included......

MJ: So.....is it 'safe' for me to continue discussing this with you?........

Mike: (realizing how awkward this will be) That is.....entirely up to you,Melanie Jayne. I'm here if you need me.....but .......you can decide whether you trust me....or not......

MJ: This is so stupid! I'm probably blowing this out of proportion!

Mike: Hey, privacy theft is a major crime!

MJ: Is it?

Mike: Yeah.....people lose their lives because of.....of......these things........

MJ: Am I going to die?

Mike: I'm not gonna let that happen. I won't let that happen to you......(hugs Melanie) We are going to figure this out........ 

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