MJA: The questioning of Victor Keel

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Victor let us into his apartment. He lead us to the living area as he headed into the kitchen. He made a pot of tea and served biscuits to go with it.

MJ: This isn't necessary......

Victor: You are my guests. (looks at Melanie and Mike)

MJ: Look....I know that this is very sudden and we haven't really.....

Victor: Talked? Of course not. You wouldn't pick up your phone. You wouldn't reply my text messages......

MJ: Don't make this look like I was at fault!

Victor: I never once said you were.....I apologized......Over and over. I was at your house everyday. I was at your bedroom door. Everyday. I never once said any of this was your fault, Melanie Jayne..........

Victor looked at me and I could clearly see how much this had hurt him too. Mike clears his throat to ease the situation.

Mike: The tea is delicious! I love it!

Victor: ........I'm glad you like it.....

Mike: Anyway.....Mr. Keel, the reason Melanie Jayne and I are here is to.....

Victor: I know why you're here. I didn't do it. What do you think I am?

Mike: Sir, we are not here to accuse......

Victor: I lost a lot of opportunities because of this mess. (looks at Melanie) I was at your house, calling you......you never picked up my calls.....all of the text messages I sent you......

MJ: I'm sorry,Victor.......I was just......(starts to cry) Excuse me..... 

I ran out the front door and sat in the hallway.

Victor: (looks at Mike) I'd run after her. Believe me, I would.....but....I don't think she'd want me to.....

Mike: (confused) Ok....erm....Do you think you'd know anyone who'd want to hurt you....or Melanie Jayne?....

Victor: Sorry......I can't think of anyone in particular right now. I will let you know if anyone comes to mind.....

Mike: That'll be great. Thanks. Erm..... I should go.....Don't wait on us. Thank you for your time, Mr. Keel.......

Victor: Not a problem. I didn't get your name......

Mike: It's Capri. Mike Capri........

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