MJA: Vows

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When I said I wanted to really make things work with Victor this time around, I really meant it. Every decision I make from the day we are officially together will all depend on how he feels about it. It seems like it's a tough pledge but I think it's important to show my part in this commitment. I love him and I don't want to go through what we went through in the last couple of months again. I almost lost him and he almost lost me. He is finally reunited with Christopher and things are finally looking up for him.

Early one morning, as I was training at the gym, Victor decided to pop in to see what I was doing. I was training with a machine on speed boxing and counterpunching. I had to work on blocking because I haven't taken a hit for sometime now and if I ever get into another fight, I cannot afford to be a glass jaw. Not when the lives of the people I care for are at stake.

Victor: Good heavens, Melanie Jayne! I never knew this side of you!

MJ: (surprised) Victor! (turns off the machine) What are you doing here?

Victor: Just curious. You have very impressive moves!

MJ: (taking a towel) Oh, it's nothing. Just trying to keep focused......

Victor: I must remember not to get into a physical fight with you. (joking)

MJ: Oh, I would never hurt you,Victor.

Victor: I was kidding. (smiles) I know you wouldn't hurt me.......

MJ: Right.....Is Christopher up? Let me hit the shower for a bit.....

Victor: I should probably go check on him......

I never told anyone about my mixed martial arts self-defense skills because I didn't think anyone should know. I never thought it was something appealing for me. I just did it because I had to be able to defend myself if Jean was not with me.

Victor got Christopher ready and waited for me at the dining area for breakfast. I rushed over to not keep them waiting.

Victor: Do you think you can train me, Melanie Jayne?

MJ: What? Me?

Victor: Yes. After everything that's happened, I thought I should probably learn a thing or two......

MJ: Sure. It's not that hard. You just need to keep at it.

Christopher: What are you going to train daddy, Melanie Jayne?

MJ: Erm......self-defense.......

Christopher: Daddy's already really good at it. He's very tough. Right, daddy?

Victor: Erm......

MJ: He is! I almost forgot! He is tough! (smiles at Christopher)

Victor just smiled and had his breakfast. Today, we decided to stay indoors after breakfast because it was raining. Christopher decided to do some painting instead so we lounged around the living area. I was on the floor, helping Christopher with his paint while Victor sat on the couch across from us with a newspaper. 

MJ: You ok?

Victor: What?

MJ: You haven't flipped a page in like 5 minutes.......

Victor: Oh, yeah.....I was just.....erm.....

I got up and sat beside him.

MJ: What's bothering you?

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