MJA: Christopher

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Victor was still unconscious from the anaesthesia during surgery. He had broken ribs and a broken nose. His face and body was covered in bruises and cuts. By the time Jean got to him, his entire apartment was completely trashed and he was barely awake on the floor. Sharon and her men did not stop at Jean's commands so he had to shoot them to stop them from hurting Victor. Christopher must have been terrified that he ran away to hide.

I sat with Christopher in the waiting hall for Victor to be transferred to a private room. He was more composed than I was.

MJ: Your dad is gonna be alright.......

Christopher: I know. He's very tough.

MJ: He is.....Hey, are you hungry? Do you want something to drink maybe?

Christopher: I am a little hungry......The drive here took forever and we didn't even stop for snacks.......Daddy always stops for snacks. He's so cool.......

MJ: He is very cool. (smiles) Come on.....I think the cafeteria is still opened......

I took Christopher to get some food and drink. He looked like he was starving. I couldn't even begin to think what he witnessed tonight.

Christopher: You look familiar.......(looking at Melanie) Have we met?

MJ: (surprised) I don't think we have.......Did you see me in some magazine or something?

Christopher: You look like that lady in the picture in daddy's wallet. Sometimes, I see him at the coffee table at the motel room in the middle of the night, looking at a picture from his wallet. Sometimes, he'd cry. Usually, I pretend to be asleep because I know he's had a long day. Are you that lady in the picture?

MJ: I....don't know.....I'm not sure what picture you're talking about......How's your food? You want dessert?

Christopher: Am I allowed to have dessert?

MJ: Of course you are! Tonight, you can have anything you want.

Nicole arrived with Leo and met up with us in the cafeteria.

Nicole: What on earth happened to Victor?! (looks at Christopher) And....who is this?

Christopher: Hello. I'm Christopher! (shakes Nicole's hand)

Nicole: No freaking way! Are you Victor's.......

MJ: Yes. He is.

Leo: Oh! Hello, Christopher! I'm Leo and this is Nicole........

Christopher: Hello!

Nicole: I'm guessing these coloring books and crayons are for you and not Melanie Jayne? (taking out the things Melanie asked Nicole to get before coming to the hospital)

MJ: Thanks, Nicole! (gives Christopher the coloring books and crayons)

Christopher: Are these for me?! (smiling)

I wanted to keep Christopher safe because Sharon is going to be stuck with the police for quite a while considering all the things that she's done to Victor and until Victor is able to get up and physically recover fully, Christopher is without a guardian. Nicole pulled me aside to talk privately while Leo and Jean kept Christopher company.

Nicole: I am still waiting on the charges of what Sharon has done tonight but.....what the hell happened to Victor?! Damn it, MJ! He's an actor! Is he involved with some crazy gang shit?!

MJ: Nicole! Sharon lied to you. She's been blackmailing Victor......Look.....it's a long story. I'd rather have Victor tell you himself. Sharon is running some kind of gang. I assume some of the things she's doing involves blackmailing and extortion. Maybe drugs.....I really have no idea.....

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