MJA: Ricochet (continuation)

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Mike fell asleep as I waited with him so I went outside to make a quick phone call.

Victor: Melanie Jayne? Where are you? I woke up and you were gone.........

MJ: Something came up. Are you still at home?

Victor: I am still where you left me........

MJ: Good. Please do me a favor and stay there. Everything you need is at home. I need you to listen because this is very important........

Victor: I am listening.....

MJ: Please stay there and don't leave the house. Jean and I have reasons to believe that Samuel is going after everyone I care for.......I don't want you to get hurt.......

Victor: What? Why would he hurt me?

MJ: Please, Victor. Just trust me on this. I am at the hospital right now. Samuel's men assaulted Mike outside the office last night and he's in really bad shape. Please, just don't go anywhere. I don't want you to get hurt............

Victor: Alright, Melanie Jayne. I'll be here......Please be careful out there. And please keep me posted.......

MJ: I will. Just sit tight ok.


Nicole went to see Samuel in prison with the lawyers. She went into the room and he was already seated at the table with chains and handcuffs.

Nicole: This had better not be a waste of time..........

Samuel: Where is Melanie Jayne?

Nicole: Why would she be here?

Samuel: Oh what a shame......I wanted so much to see her face.......

Nicole: Please make this quick. I don't have time.

Samuel: But I want to see her......How is her boyfriend doing these days?

Nicole: Listen here, you'd better call off your men coz this isn't gonna help you......

Samuel: Then, let me see her......


Victor lingered around the house after taking a shower and having breakfast. Everything was just as how he remembered. Melanie Jayne had not changed anything. Being in her house was familiar. This used to be his house too. The walls and the hallways held memories and everywhere he looked reminded him of all the times he used to spend with Melanie Jayne. He walked the hallways and passed room after room and then, he stopped. There was a door which was slightly opened. It was the library. 

This was Victor's favourite room because Melanie Jayne had walls and walls of books she inherited from her parents and her grandparents. Most of the books were early editions or rare collections. He used to tell her how lucky she was to have access to all these treasure in the comfort of her own home. Melanie Jayne had read most of them. She spent her childhood alone whenever Nicole and her father were away so she would drown herself in the books. She used to teach Victor how to repair the books as well.

Victor hesitated a little but he just couldn't resist so he opened the door and headed into the library. The whole place was a mess. The shelves were all taken down from the walls and there were books everywhere he stepped. He couldn't understand what was happening. The only thing he could think of was the night Melanie Jayne walked in on him and Sharon in this very room. It was heartbreaking. She must have tried to do something to the library that would make it look less than what it looked like that night.

While clearing up the floor as he made his way into the depths of the room, Victor came across some books he used to bring with him on the picnics he used to have with Melanie Jayne. She still kept these, he thought to himself as he flipped through the books. He slowly picked up more and more books and finally, he decided to sit down on the floor. Some of the books made him smile. Others made him curious as to why he's never read them. Then, he picked up a handmade journal. It was Melanie Jayne's. It seemed like she made it when she was younger. It looked like a scrapbook with a lot of drawings and sketches of dresses and costumes. There were also writings of what she and Nicole envisioned their future designing company would be like. Victor smiled to himself because he had always thought of Melanie Jayne to be creative but this was genuine and sincere. She was very good at what she was doing even at a young age.

As he flipped to the end of the journal, he came across several pages of what seemed like wedding dresses. Melanie Jayne was designing wedding dresses. Some of them had hearts on it. Some had elaborated detailing. Others looked more traditional. One dress caught his attention. It looked perfect. It looked like what he would have wanted her to wear on their wedding day. At the bottom of the page, she scribbled "MJ & V" and a heart.

MJ: You really shouldn't be in here....... 

Melanie Jayne came home to get some things for work and Mike.

Victor: (standing up) Sorry, I was uh......I was just.......

MJ: It's not safe. I was working on remodeling the shelves. Well, I was trying to figure out where the hidden camera was at first but now.....I think a remodel would be a good idea......

Victor: Oh, I wasn't aware of the erm.....reconstruction.......erm......

MJ: You could just take the books you want and read them outside....ya know.....there's proper seatings outside......

Victor: Right. I shall do just that.......

MJ: I'm sorry about making you stay indoors like this. It's the best plan I can think of right now. I have to go......

Victor: Melanie Jayne, wait........

Victor made his way out towards Melanie Jayne.

Victor: I erm.....I just.....

Victor hugged Melanie Jayne. She was confused and surprised at the same time. She had no idea where this was coming from but she hugged him anyways and pat him on the back. 

MJ: I have to go, Victor. Mike is waiting for me.......

Melanie Jayne AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now