MJA: Technicolor

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I have been doing some reading about raising 6-year olds and it seems like Christopher is so much more advanced than what most 6-year olds do. I assume it's all because Victor takes all the time he has to making sure that Christopher is not left behind if he ever goes to school. That was the other thing I have been wanting to look into. Getting Christopher into a good pre-school. I read that getting them into schools early in the age also helps them develop good social growth. I was worried if he was spending too much time with adults that he isn't living his life as a kid the way he should.

I brought Christopher home after spending a few hours at the hospital just waiting for Victor to wake up. He was still heavily sedated so there wasn't much we could do.

MJ: You wanna do something?

Christopher: I'm done coloring.......

MJ: Ok. How about doing something else? 

Christopher: Like what?

MJ: Well.......we can take a walk outside in the backyard if you want.......

Christopher: Ok.......

I took Christopher out into the backyard where there is a path and the trees would shade us as we walk.

Christopher: Can I run out here?

MJ: Sure! But try not to go too far away from me ok!

Christopher had so much energy left in him and he had no one to play with. I kept having to think of things for him to do to not let him feel bored or out of place. He sometimes cries whenever he takes naps because he wanted Victor to be with him. Whenever that happens, I'd just hug him and pat him back to sleep. That usually helps but I knew that having Victor here was going to make it a lot easier for both Christopher and I.

Christopher: Melanie Jayne! Look! There's a squirrel! Up there on that tree!

MJ: You're right! He's so fat! Must be all those nuts we've been feeding him! (laughs)

Christopher: You feed him nuts?

MJ: Yeah.....like that thing up there on that branch. (pointing at a feeder) You see that? We'd just fill it all up with nuts and leave it there and the squirrels will come eat them.

Christopher: That is so cool! Can I feed them?

MJ: You can once the feeder is empty......You wanna see something else? (takes Christopher's hand)

I brought Christopher to the water stream to see tiny fishes.

Christopher: Woah! They're so fast!

Christopher looks up and sees a willow tree.

Christopher: Is that a willow tree?

MJ: Yes......yes it is.......You know trees?

Christopher: That one is nice. Daddy always says that willow trees are the prettiest to look at especially when the wind blows. 

MJ: Oh.....

Christopher: He always tells me about this place he goes to for picnics.......It looks just like here.....

MJ: It does?

As it got darker, we slowly walked back to the house.

Christopher: Your house is the coolest ever! 

MJ: Well, you are always welcomed here.

Christopher: Really? You mean.....I can come here anytime I want?

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