MJA: Lullaby

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Whenever things go wrong and out of control, I just feel like hiding away under the sheets and just disappear into a long slumber until I am ready to face the world again. Victor always says that I consume too much caffeine to the point where my sleep routine is out of control. He is probably right. The truth is, caffeine isn't the only thing that is keeping me up at night. There are things I just cannot explain and even if I tried, it just wouldn't make as much sense to anyone else.


Victor opened his eyes and saw Christopher staring at him. 

Christopher: Daddy......why are you on the floor?

Victor: Wha.....??? (looking around and realizes that he had a blanket around him)

Christopher: Why are you not wearing your shirt?

Victor quickly realized that he had fallen asleep by the fireplace and whatever happened last night was about to be investigated by his 6 year-old son. Jean appears from behind Christopher and hands him a robe.

Victor: Thank you, Jean......(takes the robe and puts it on) Where is Melanie Jayne?

Jean: She is in the gym.

Victor: The gym? She has a gym?

Jean: Yes, sir. She got up early and helped Christopher get ready for breakfast. She will join you at the dining area later.

Victor: Oh......thank you, Jean......Erm.....Sorry about....erm.....

Christopher: Were you sleepwalking,daddy?

Victor: Yes. I must have been sleepwalking.......

I took a quick shower and rushed over to the dining area to have breakfast with Victor and Christopher. When I got there, Victor was already seated at his usual spot with the morning paper and a cup of tea while Christopher was coloring something on the opposite side of the table.

MJ: Sorry I'm late. I had to shower.......

Victor: No worries. (kisses Melanie) I never knew you had a gym in the house......

MJ: Oh.....it's not a main feature or anything......

Victor: You should probably take me there sometime. I could use a good workout routine too I guess.....(laughs)

MJ: Sure!

Christopher: Daddy was sleepwalking last night and he fell asleep by the fireplace.......(whispers) And he wasn't wearing his shirt!

MJ: Oh, my goodness, Mr. Keel! Sleepwalking? With no shirt on? (teasing Victor)

Victor: Yeaaaa.......(looks at Melanie)

MJ: You gotta be more careful next time, Mr. Keel. You wouldn't want him to see anything he shouldn't see.....

After breakfast, we decided to take a walk in the backyard to the water stream because Christopher wanted to see the fish.

Victor: (holding Melanie's hand) This part of your house never gets old......

MJ: It's Christopher's favourite place to run. 

Victor: He has so much energy. I don't know where he gets it all from. Oh, look! The willow tree is still there!

MJ: Ya know....I was just thinking.....maybe you guys should just come live here with me. I have plenty of room and Christopher's got the entire backyard to himself......Once the library is ready, we can take him there. You should probably design the library since you like it so much......

Melanie Jayne AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now