MJA: Ricochet

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I opened my eyes and realized that I was on the couch in the living area. I had fallen asleep there from talking to Victor the night before. I tried to get up and realized that Victor was lying next to me. I was consoling him and we cuddled and fell asleep on the couch. I moved his arm slowly without waking him up and looked for my phone. It was on the coffee table next to the bottle of whiskey Victor brought with him. It was almost empty. He will not be waking up anytime soon so I covered him with a blanket and headed upstairs.

I discovered that my phone had been off. I got it turned on and several text messages started pouring in. Most of them were text messages and unanswered calls from Nicole. Something was definitely happening. As soon as I started dialing her number, her call came through.

Nicole: Where the hell have you been?! Why didn't you pick up?!

MJ: Sorry, my phone was off........What's going on?

Nicole: It's Paperboy! You need to get to the hospital right now!

Nicole hangs up. I immediately got ready and headed out to the hospital. I wasn't sure what was happening and I kept trying to call Mike but his phone was out of reach. It must have been off. Jean dropped me off at the main lobby and I saw Andre.

MJ: Andre! What's happening?!

Andre: Oh MJ! Thank God! It's Capri! He was attacked last night outside the office and I found him on the ground covered in blood.......It was horrible!

MJ: Where is he now?

Nicole called me and told me to go upstairs. Andre and I took the elevator and headed to a ward where Mike was resting. Nicole and Leo were standing outside in the hallway. I rushed over and headed straight into his room. Mike was resting but he was awake.

MJ: Michael! (hugs Mike) What happened? Are you alright?

Mike: (holding Melanie's hand) Hey.....you should be resting at home......

MJ: Michael, what happened? Andre said you were attacked......

Mike: Oh....it's nothing........I was leaving and there were these guys......erm....big guys.....they kinda shoved me......I thought they got the wrong guy......but they started.....erm......attacking me.....

Mike's face was bruised and battered. His jaw had cuts and his knuckles were bruised. He had a broken leg. This was clearly an assault.

MJ: Do you know who did this to you?

Mike: No.....they uh.....they look like those guys who helped Samuel kidnap you......Look, I could be wrong......

MJ: Michael, they assaulted you. They broke your leg, for God's sake!......(hugs Mike) I'm so sorry, Michael......(starts crying)

Mike: (hugs Melanie) Hey, it's not your fault.......

MJ: Why didn't you call me?

Mike: My erm......my phone died......

MJ: Damn it, Michael! I am getting you a new phone whether you like it or not!

Jean walks into the room with Nicole and Andre.

Andre: Oh my God, Capri! Do you know how terrified I was when I saw you!

Mike: I owe you, Andre....(smiles)

Nicole: Paperboy! Do you know who attacked you last night?

Mike: I erm......I can't be sure.....

Melanie Jayne AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now