MJA: The Time Capsule

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I was going through my things at the library at home with hopes of getting rid of anything that is related to Victor. I cannot bring myself to think of what happened in this room the night of our engagement party but I was determined to find any form of possibility that could have led to the chaos I currently am facing. Was there a hidden camera somewhere that I couldn't detect? If So, how could it get in here? Who would have been able to discreetly plant something like that without me being aware of it? It was almost impossible but I just couldn't figure this one out. 

As I was taking every single book from the shelves and taking off the shelves from the walls, I came across something so familiar. I looked at it and I began tearing up as it was so nostalgic and dear to my heart. I found a book Nicole and I had made when we were kids with pictures and aspirations and vision boards of what we aspired to be when we grew up.

Our company wasn't always the way it is today. Nicole and I started this empire ground up. I was the creative vibe and she was the advertising artist. I was never good with people so I spent a lot of time alone in the studio just creating, designing and eventually producing anything from clothing to accessories. Well, my designs were my main contribution to the company but I was also creating and designing many other object-related items but I'd rather not get into that. As far as Nicole knows, I design the clothing she showcases. That's the deal.

We may differ in age but she and I grew up together like family. I had always thought of her as a sister because I had no family growing up. She was the only child and her father took me into her upper class family when I was little. Eventually, I grew up and learned that my parents had left me a significant amount of wealth and a family home with acres of land. When I was old enough to live on my own, I met Jean, who used to work for my father back in the day. Jean had been looking out for me ever since.

Moving forward into living on my own and joining this industry, Nicole and I found ourselves travelling across the globe a lot. Sometimes, we'd end up in the same places and the same cities. Other times, we'd find ourselves navigating through strange new places. The strangest place to be was always back home. Everything that I can recall from growing up to starting something new, we'd always find ourselves meeting new people. People we'd never imagine we'd ever meet. People we'd never thought would change our lives, forever.

For Nicole, this was the very place she met Leo, her happily ever after.

Melanie Jayne AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now