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Peter woke up on a sweet Saturday morning feeling chaotic as all heck. The chaos when coursing through his veins, he could feel it in his blood. He needed to climb some walls, paint some armour, scream some songs. He jumped out of bed and put on his raccoon onesie (it was a gift from Thor, Thor loves raccoons) and wandered out to the kitchen where Steve stood making waffles.

"Hiya Pete. You want waffles?" Steve said with a smile, completely unaware of the chaos bubbling inside of Peter.

"I'd love some window pancakes, thanks Captain Grandpa" Peter replied whilst climbing up the wall "Don't tell anyone I'm up here" he continued when he'd reached the ceiling. Steve just heaved a sigh and gave a nod as he continued whisking the batter. Peter sat cross legged, upside down, humming the tune of I'm just Ken and waiting for the first person to be victim to his chaos. And his waffles, he loves waffles.

Of the two things he was waiting for, waffles came first so he hopped to the floor, sat on a stool at the counter and ate his waffles with Nutella and strawberries. Cap had syrup, strawberries, and banana.

"Worried food will be rationed again Captain frisbee?" Peter commented with a cheeky grin. Steve looked up at him trying to keep a stoic face but there was a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Before Steve could make a witty reply a very dishevelled Bucky walked in with Tony attached to his Metal arm, muttering something about 'alterations' and 'making it more efficient'. Bucky gave Steve a tired blink in way of asking for waffles and coffee. Peter saw this as an opportunity to cause chaos, so he cast a web onto the ceiling and swung over to Bucky whilst singing (Very out of tune).


He landed to the side of Bucky, stole his arm, and yeeted himself out of the window for a quick escape to his room where he proceeded to paint the cool metal hot pink. 

Doing this caused something in Peter to want to paint more... So he hopped up onto the ceiling and slowly crept to Steve's Room and grab his shield. He managed to Sneak the shield back to his room and now he just had to think of a design. Canadian Flag? He'd done that before. German Flag? Nah, prolly cause flashbacks. Pride Flag? Nope, Steve would like that too much. Spiderman symbol? Perfect!

Within the next 30 minutes Steve's shield has a huge spider painted in the middle of the shield, and had been sneakily placed back in Steve's room. 

Knowing the two super soldiers would be coming after him very soon, he decided to climb onto the roof, put on his inflatable dinosaur costume, and wait. 

------oh hi Jeff, it's been a while.------

10 minutes had passed and Peter was getting chilly, but finally he could hear the thunderous footsteps of two very pissed off super soldiers.

"HOT PINK? REALLY PETE" Bucky shouted before he'd even gotten fully through the door. 

"I AM NOT CAPTAIN SPIDER PETER! YOU KNOW I THINK SPIDERS ARE CREEPY" Steve yelled out as the door slammed behind them.

After the slam of the door, the two men finally looked up, and the sight before them had them doubled over in laughter. 

Peter was stood there in his inflatable dinosaur suit, a black corset, and bright red stilettos. 

All thoughts of painted arms and shields were forgotten.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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