Truth or Dare

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The team were sat in the lounge one evening playing truth or dare, so far Steve had downed half a bottle of vodka just because Sam wanted to know if he'd feel anything (he didn't), Natasha had walked into a lab, screamed and walked out again, Bucky had been clinging on to Steve for three rounds thanks to Tony who had told everyone that yes he does see Peter as a son, Thor had told everyone where his secret stash of pop tarts was and Clint had video messaged fury saying 'I am Legolas of the elven folk, and I take no orders from one eyed big people'. And now it was peters turn.

"Ight Petey. Truth or dare?" Clint said looking at him

"Uhhh, truth" came his reply.

"ok. Uhhhh.... Tell us your life story" Clint said

"Uh, ok? Well my parents died in a plane crash when I was a baby and so my aunt and uncle took me in and then when I was like 14, I went on a school trip where I got bitten by a radioactive spider which gave me the powers I have today. A few days after that my uncle got shot by a mugger on the same night we had this massive argument and the last thing he said to me was 'with great power comes great responsibility' and so that's the reason I became spider man. And so now its just me and my aunt, but she works a lot so I don't see her much. Oh! I asked a girl to prom but it turned out her dad was the bad guy who was stealing all of Mr. Starks tech so I had to leave prom to catch him cause he was gonna steal the stuff from the plane and then he dropped a building on me before I got outta that and caught him" Peter told them.

All the avengers looked shocked and saddened as they didn't expect a 17-year-old kid to have gone through so much, none of them said anything so Peter just decide to move on.

"Anyway. Who's next?"

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