peters chick

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Peter had just got back to the tower after school.  He went straight to Tony because he needed to tell him something.

"hey mr.stark?" Peter called into the lab

"ouch, yeah Pete?" Tony replied, banging his head on something in the process of looking up.

"guess what?"


"I got a chick today." Peter said with a smile

"oh nice, whats her name?" Tony asked, clearly intrigued

Peter didn't reply straight away, instead he put his hand in his pocket.

"Fluff Monster" He replied whilst pulling a fluffy chick out of his pocket

"that's.... That's not what I was expecting but ok.." Tony said amusedly 

"I love and appreciate her and she is my best friend. im taking her to my room. see you later mr stark"  Peter said and left the room

"yeah... And Peter, I told you to call me Tony!" Tony shouted after him

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