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TW: slight mention of suicide, no actual death though. 

Peter has tattoos, lots of them. He had one on the left side, just under his collarbone, so a shirt would cover it. One just under the left side of his ribs, he had one on his ankle, one behind his ear and he had 'ben' and the date of his birth and death on his bicep.  All his tattoos meant something to him, they weren't just something with no meaning. 

He decided he wanted another one, so he went down to the tattoo parlor and paid to get a semi colon (;) tattooed on his wrist. He didn't find it painful anymore as he had gotten used to it. When it was done and wrapped in clingfilm he put his jacket on and went back home, the avengers tower. He made sure the tattoo was covered up so no one would see it, when it had properly healed he could conceal it easier. 

He made it to the tower and entered the lift, FRIDAY took him to his floor so he could change into a larger jumper to hide the tattoo better. He then went to the common floor to see his dysfunctional but amazing family. May and Steve sat together on one couch (they're dating in this), Bucky and Natasha were on another sofa, Sam, Tony and Wanda were sat on the big sofa and Clint sat on a pile of blankets on the floor. Thor was on Asgard and Vision was helping some interns with robot stuff.

Peter was usually very careful about the tattoo behind his ear, but today he had seemed to forget about it. He went and sat in front of Steve and Mar on the floor. since everyone was mid conversation Steve just gave Peter a pat on the shoulder and May ruffled his hair. But as Steve looked down at him he saw the tattoo of a little spider , the same one that's on his spidey suit, with the red, white and blue pattern that's on Steves shield. Steve pushed Peters ear so he could see it better, he did it discretely so no one else noticed. He smiled slightly at the pattern but Peter was trying not to go wide eyed at the fact that he forgot about that tattoo. 

"Can I talk to you outside for a sec Pete?" Steve whispered so quietly that no one except Peter could hear. Spidey senses. Peter just looked at him and nodded. "Pete and I are gonna go get some snacks for the movie tonight" Steve announced. Peter stood up and nodded. They both got their shoes on and left the tower, they didn't want FRIDAY to hear their conversation. Peter waited for Steve to talk first.

"I like the tattoo behind your ear, but why didn't you tell anyone about it?" Steve asked, Peter smiled

"Because I didn't want people to see me differently or not like them and tell me I couldn't get anymore" Peter replied

"How many do you have?" 

"six" Peter looked at the ground as he walked

"Wow" Steve said as they entered the store "Where and what are they?" Peter looked at Steve confused "I might be old fashioned but I do like tattoos Pete, I have one myself"

"Seriously?!" Peter almost shouted

"Yes seriously" Steve chuckled "And ill show you it if you tell me about yours"

"ok. um, I have one just under my collar bone that says 'have the courage to exist' , one under my ribs that says 'with great power comes great responsibility' , one on my ankle, its an anchor,  I have bens name and his birth and death on my arm, that one behind my ear and I have a semi colon on my wrist. I actually got that one today." Peter explained

"Wow, so they all have meaning?" Steve asked

"Yeah, the one on my collar bone reminds me that I exist for a reason, the one on my ribs were bens last words, the anchor reminds me to stay grounded to reality, Bens birth and death has family meaning, and the semi colon means that my story isn't over yet" Peter spoke, purposefully leaving the explanation for the ear tattoo. The two had now finished their shop for snacks, paid and were walking home. "What about yours?" 

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