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Peter was sat in class when a teacher wanted to talk to him outside.

"I know your Aunt died, and again im truly sorry, but we can not cut down your school work. we are also aware of your new living situation" mr Harrington said.

"That's fine sir, it actually helps, having work to busy myself with." Peter replied. He then realized he left his phone in the classroom. not on silent. og goodness.

--in the classroom-

everyone was doing their work when Peters phone went off on his desk. Ned tried to turn it off but people already saw the contact. 

"why does Parker have someone I his phone called 'my prince'?" one classmate asked.

"He's probably faking it. no one could like Penis like that, he's a gay" Flash said obnoxiously loudly. 

(a/n I refuse to use the other word)

this just so happened to be when Peter walked back in. 

"Peter, who is 'my prince'?" a girl asked.

" uh, you don't need to worry"

---next day---

the next day in the same class Peter was talking with a slight accent.

the teacher had asked him a question

"uh, sine is 25 over x minus ?" he answered unsurely.

"correct Mr. Parker"

"dude what is that accent?" Abraham asked

"what accent?" He only then noticed, he was talking with a slight Russian accent.

"oh uh I don't know" he replied honestly

this had all been going on for a few days. people constantly asking peter who his 'prince' was and what was with the accent. when one day, afterschool, Flash had enough and decided to confront him.

"Penis what the heck?!" Flash said, getting right in his face 

"what?" Peter asked

"quit lying, no one could love a loser like you. you're pathetic."

Whilst this was happening, Pietro was walking over. he casually put an arm around Peter and said:

"are you bothering my Petey here. cause I wont be having that." Pietro asked

"uh no, no sir. just messing around" Flash stuttered

"good, if I ever catch sight of you being horrible to Peter, you wont like the consequences"  Pietro said before picking Peter up bridal style, kissing him, and running back to the tower.

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