Avengers in Brooklyn

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(Any Brooklyn 99 fans here?)
Fury announced to the team that they were going to look around a police precinct. The 99th precinct to be exact. At 8 in the morning, yay. They were told they were going to meet the best detectives, as there was a certain spider that needed catching, so Clint got the shock of his life when he saw his old neighbor, Jake Peralta sitting at a desk looking over files.

"Peralta?" Clint said unsurely, Jake turned around at the sound of his name, shocked to see the team of heroes.

"Uhm, Captain Holt, there's some people in here you're going to want to meet. Some of them look stronger than Terry and I thought that was impossible" Jake said, not taking his eyes off of the team, then he spotted Clint "Wait- Barton?"
"Yeah what's up, didn't know you made detective" Clint was shocked, last he knew Jake was a beat cop
"Yeah, I did, but dude, you're an avenger. I literally thought you died" Jake said and the avengers and the other detectives were watching the scene, confusion evident in their features. Captain Holt walked out of office to greet the guests he knew was coming.
"Ah, Director Fury, glad you could make it, these are some of my best detectives, I hope you will be able to make use of them" Holt said, nodding at the team of hero's.
"Thank you Captain" Fury said. the two nodded at each other.
"I expect you to be professional" Holt said before walking back to his office, hearing a chorus of 'yes sir's as he closed the door.
"Hi, Amy Santiago" Amy introduced herself "How can we help you?" She was trying not to fan girl because 1) omg Natasha Romanoff is so bad ass and strong and 2) Bruce Banner is totally her idol, he is so smart and seems so organized. (not that he actually is)
"We're here as we need help in catching a vigilante who goes by the name of Spiderman" Steve replied, going all Captain America on them.
"Oh, I love that guy, he's a really big help to us. oh, I'm Charles Boyle by the way" Boyle chimed in.
"Yeah, we need to find him and talk to him about his identity and the accords" Fury stepped forward
"Sure, we can help with that" Terry said, Clint looked shocked at the size of the man's muscles
"Dude, how'd you get so muscly?" He said, only half thinking about what he said
"I know! He's huge, I weigh the same as a grape to him" Jake replied.
"Anyway, I'm gonna assign each avenger a detective buddy, and Barton you will not be with Detective Peralta as I see you won't get any work done. So, Romanoff you're with Detective Diaz" Rose smirked, she liked this pairing
"Banner you're with Detective Santiago" The two smiled warmly at each other, happy at the pairing.
"Barton, you're with Detective Boyle" They both seemed ok with that
"Rogers, you're with Sergeant Jeffords" The two smiled and nodded professionally
"Stark, you and Detective Peralta" Tony saluted Fury and smiled at Jake, who smiled back
"and Thor, you're with Detective Hitchcock and Detective Skully" The two smiled at the God who greeted them
"OK. Now, let's catch this web slinger" And with that, everyone got to work.
"So, how many ways can you kill someone with a pencil?" Rosa asked, smirking slightly.
"Twenty-four and counting" Natasha replied without hesitation, Rosa nodded impressed.
"Anyway, all we know about Spiderman is that he is young, lives in Queens and he shows up in the evenings and at night wherever there is crime." Diaz told the assassin
"How do you know he's young?" Romanoff asked
"You can tell by how high and breaky his voice is" Diaz replied, Natasha nodded
The two really hit it off
"The vigilante seems to be a teenager who enjoys science, telling by the voice and the use of science puns" Amy said being as serious as she could whilst sitting next to Bruce
"oh nice, another science nerd" Bruce chuckled, Amy chuckling with him.
The two were getting along well
"We have been building a case on this dude for a while, we believe him to be a young male from Queens" Terry said, handing his file to Steve
"Ok, so a young vigilante is hell bent on helping people. Geez this kid sounds like me before the war" Steve gave a small laugh, before he and Terry began talking about their respective work out routines and how they intended to catch the web head.
Thor, Hitchcock and Skully were sat around the desks eating pop tarts, not really doing any work, but who could blame them. Thor didn't know much about Midgardians and Skully and Hitchcock were house mice, they didn't do much.
"Going by the evidence we have, Spiderman is a teen who wants to help people. He doesn't seem like a bad dude, but we're detectives we don't go off how they seem we investigate. So, as far as my investigation into him has taken me, I think he is a 15-16-year-old male, who I believe to attend midtown school of science in Queens" Jake recited to Tony, who sat at the desk impressed with Peralta's detective skills.
"That's amazing, that gives us a lot to work off of" Tony said, making Jake smile
After about an hour, the group of hero's and detectives came together in the briefing room to discuss a plan of action. Holt and Fury stood at the front, everyone else sitting down.
"ok so, Spiderman only comes out at night so we have time to kill before we can catch him. for now, Detectives get back to work, Avengers you are free to do as you please." Holt said, dismissing the group.
Fury and Holt sat in Holts office whilst the Avengers roamed around asking the detectives about cases they were working. Steve and Natasha sat on the end of Jake and Amy's desks, which were pushed together. The pair were so caught up in the case they were working they hadn't noticed the two heroes.
"Hey Amy, I have something. This guy, Matthew Jamerson, was seen at all three murder scenes before the murders took place." Jake looked up, the sight of the hero's making him jump slightly "Oh, hey guys." He smiled
"Matthew Jamerson?" Amy asked, the two acknowledging the hero's listing but not really caring, Jake nodded "That's the guy that works at the store down the road. we should go get him and bring him in"
"Yeah, you two wanna join?" Jake asked the two avengers, who nodded eagerly. They wanted to know how police did their job. "Cool, let's get geared up"
And that's what happened, the four went and busted the murderer and brought him in, got him to confess and put him in prison. By this time, it was almost time to wait for Spiderman to show up so everyone returned to the briefing room.
"Everyone suit up" Fury said to his team
"Gear up detectives, we're helping" Holt said
Everyone went to gear up or suit up and met downstairs, each police car holding two detectives and two Avengers, or in one case one detective, one director and an avenger. Hitchcock and Skully staying at the precinct.
Once they arrived at a bank robbery that was called in, they all got out of the cars, walking to the doors, weapons ready.
They had all but one robber handcuffed and in a car, that's when Spidey swung down and knocked the last one out, handing him over to the police.
"Thanks Spidey" Jake said
"No problem" Spidey replied, voice still breaky and high
"But we actually need you to talk to some people" Jake said pointing to the Avengers
"I knew you guys would find me eventually. No point in running, so how can I help" Spidey said, walking to the hero's
"We need to talk about the accords and your identity, let's go somewhere less open" Steve said, Looking to Fury on the last part.
The team, detectives and Spidey ended up back at the precinct in the briefing room, blinds closed and doors locked.
"Who are you Spidey?" Fury said getting straight to the point
"We should go, I don't think he wants detectives knowing his identity" Holt said, standing
"No no it's fine, you guys should know who helps you" He said, Holt sitting back down. Spidey took off his mask to reveal a young boy" Uh hi. My names Peter Parker, I'm 16 years old."
The avengers were shocked at the young man stood in front of them, so were the detectives.
"Anyway, I'm challenging Thor to a lightning round of jimmy jabs and I want Steve and Terry to arm wrestle" Jake announced standing up "Get it, cause he's the God of thunder."
all hell broke loose, there was shouting as an arm wrestle happened, Steve winning, not by much though. Thor was intrigued as to what the jimmy jabs were and so was happy to partake, Fury and Holt had locked themselves in the office and Amy and Bruce had snuck off to a quieter place where they spoke about more mature things, like binders and stationary.
Boyle was talking about cooking with Clint wo, un beknown to Boyle, had his hearing aids out while Natasha and Rosa spoke about different ways to kill people. Tony was talking with the newly known Peter Parker, trying to figure out how smart he was before offering him an internship with his genius IQ.
Fury and Holt swore to never mix their teams ever again.

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