Hope pt. 2

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"AH yes. sit down children for I am about to tell a story. Get comfortable cause im high and it may take a while." 

"OK Pete, we're ready" Clint said, sitting cross legged on the floor.

"Don't interrupt bird brain" Peter scolded before carrying on. "Ok, so basically, Y 'all remember the vulture dude? Ya he was my homecoming dated dad, he somehow knew I was Spidey and told me to basically not stop him. But I was all like 'nah bro, you gonna steal my mentors stuffs and I ain't ok with that cause you gonna hurt people with it' so like, I ditched homecoming after telling Liz I was sorry, and I put on my old crappy suit cause Mr. Stark took my good one and so I followed the bad guy after stealing flashes car, that was fun he's a dick, and I drove, very badly, to the place he was going which was the building. I went in and he was all like 'bro you shouldn't be here' and I was all like 'but you're doing bad things and imma stop you' and he was like 'no you can't' and he then deployed his wings which made the building collapse on top of me and I like started panicking cause I couldn't breath. Then I was like 'come on Peter you're Spiderman' and I saw my reflection and remembered Tony's words 'if you're nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it' and I was like 'I'm gonna prove him wrong' and so I pushed the building rubble off myself and went to chase the dude who was going to steal the stuff off of the plane that was being used for moving day and like, the plane caught fire and I had to stop it from hitting buildings so I made it crash on the beach and the vulture dude bashed me around real bad but then he was in fire and his wings exploded. so I was like 'oh my god, I gotta go save him cause I'm Spiderman' so I did, and I webbed him to a box and left a note before I went home to clean up and heal." Peter finished taking a deep breath "And ya, that's how I survived a building collapsing on me." 

The avengers all sat there in shock. Both because of what the kid had gone through and because of how fast the kid had spoken. 

"Kid... why didn't you tell us?" Tony asked, standing from his spot on the floor

"Eh, it didn't seem like a big deal" He said, still high

"It is a big deal." Tony replied wide eyed.

"eh, it's in the past I wanna leave it there" Peter replied

"Ok kid. but i really gotta give you credit for saving my tech on that plane" Tony was shocked at what the kid had done

"eh it was nothing" 

"IT WAS SOMETHING YOU AMAZING YOUNG CHILD" Tony had started to get aggressively kind so Natasha escorted him out.

"Tell us about these things Peter, we can help. if we don't know we cant help" Steve said getting into his lecture stance "Also, you should be more careful when you're out on patrol otherwise you could get even more hurt and we don't want that. Now, get some rest and get better" Steve lectured before gently pushing Peter to make him lay down and pulled the soft blanket up to cover him. 

Peter drifted off to sleep and when he woke up he saw all the avengers sleeping on either the floor or on the couches. And if he had FRIDAY take a picture, no one needed to know.

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