coming out

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today was the day Peter wanted to come out to his family as trans. his family were the avengers, Earths mightiest hero's. he didn't know how to do it though, do you get them toll sit down? do you tell them individually? what if they aren't accepting? what if they don't understand? 

all possible scenarios were bouncing around Peters head. 

Peter was adopted by the avengers 2 months ago when his aunt  May died. He hadn't yet  had the courage to come out. although he had almost been seen having his weekly T shot by vision(he doesn't care to use the doors). 

"you can do this" He repeated to himself as he walked in to the lounge room. he saw everyone sitting, all doing different things. 

Steve was sketching whilst Bucky was looking over his shoulder, Tony and Bruce were on their Stark pads, Natasha and Clint were playing cards, Sam was drinking coffee, Vision and Wanda were cuddling on the couch and Thor was eating pop tarts. the tv was on in the background. 

when they noticed Peter in the room they beckoned him to sit down. he sat on the floor by Steve, it was the only space left. Tony really needs to get more couches.

"Hey guys, I gotta tell you something" Peter said suddenly, catching everyones attention, they all looked up from their activities. motioning for him to continue.

"well uh, the thing is, uh, that um, I'm... I'm transgender" he blurted out.

Most looked shocked, some looked happy for him and Steve and Bucky? Well they just looked confused.

"hey pete? you gotta remember Buck and I are from the 40's. we don't really know what that is. could you explain?" Steve said awkwardly 

"uh yeah. well it means that I was born a girl, and I have a girls body but I'm actually a boy. like  I take testosterone shots and wear a binder" Peter explained

"ahh ok. well thanks for telling us. and I think I speak for everyone when I say, we're proud of you Pete" Bucky said with a smile as he moved to hug Peter. everyone soon joined mumbling words of agreement.

"peter, how long do you wear you binder a day? if you don't mind me asking" Bruce asked, going Into doctor mode. 

2 uhh, I never really know. I guess like 10-12 hours a day?" he replied unsure.

"ok. well do you mind if I just check it out, make sure its not doing any real damage?" 

"uhh sure, yeah ok"

When they came out of the med bay 1 hour later, Tony was gone.

"Where's Mr. Stark?" Peter asked

"I thought we moved past 'Mr.Stark'" Tony moaned behind him

"where'd you go?" Peter ignored the comment

" I was making updates to your spidey suit, it now has a binder in it that wont damage you as much when fighting, aannndddd I was making this" he said holding up a new, more efficient binder. " it'll keep you flat, with less damage done and you can keep it on longer than a normal one"

peter ran to embrace his father figure "Thank you so much!!"

that night they had a movie night and they were all happy.


it had been 7 months since peter had come out and it was Christmas day. Peter  walked downstairs in pajama pants and a binder. he was comfortable around the avengers like that now. 


it was now 3 pm and they had eaten lunch and were giving out gifts, peter was the last to open his. 

he got:

a jumper and top-- Steve

a beanie and chocolate-- Bucky

Spiderman jumper and bed sheets-- sam

Avengers plushies-- Nat and Clint 

Pop tarts-- thor

books-- Bruce

a new guitar-- Vision and Wanda

Avengers onesies-- Tony

Tony handed Peter an envelope. Peter opened it and as he read it tears formed in his eyes. he looked up at tony.

 "it's from all of us" Tony said with a smile.

"thank you so so so so so much. I love it. I love you guys so much." He cried happy tears as he hugged everyone.

They had booked and payed for an appointment for top surgery. 

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