Pride month!!!

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Peter had come out to the Avengers about a month ago and was so happy they had accepted him. He had come out as pansexual, he had to explain to some of the team what that was. 

Tony had heard that there was going to be a pride march close to them so he decided to surprise Peter with a flag and tell him they were all going.

Tony knocked on Peters door and opened it when he heard Peter shout 'yeah' through the door.

"Hey Pete, can you come into the main room foe a sec?" Tony asked

"Sure" Peter replied and got up to follow the older man into the main room. All the avengers were sat around on the couches and chairs and some were on the floor.

"What's going on?" Peter asked as he walked in

"we all accept you with all our hearts, and as some of us are also part of the LGBTQ+ community" Tony started before he was cut off by a very excited Clint


"ohmigod really?! awesome" Peter said and hugged everyone "I need to get an outfit ready. I don't even have a flag yet"

"I got that covered" Tony said as he pulled the pansexual pride flag out of his pocket and handed it to Peter.

"Ahhh thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" Peter almost screamed and ran to his room to pick an outfit. Little did he know they were going to be in the parade on their own float

-----timeskip cause im lazy---

The morning of Pride everyone was in there respective rooms getting ready before they all met in the main room.

Tony was wearing a rainbow suit and Stephen had dyed his cape to match Tonys suit, much to its disapproval, so they could be all cute.

Steve had painted his shield the bisexual colours and had a shirt on that said "i'm Steve fucking Rogers" and Bucky had let Steve paint his arm rainbow and was wearing a shirt that said "i'm fucking Steve Rogers" 

the rest, who weren't in relationships, all wore t shirts with rainbow hearts or shirts that said "love is love" 

Peter came out wearing black ripped jenes with a shirt that said "I put the pan in panic".

"Oh by the way, we have a float in the parade, we are in it" Tony announced before he turned and dramatically left the room


once they had arrived, Peter was bouncing with excitement. The group got on their float and Peter changed into a spiderman suit he had made that was the pan flag. 

Peter was doing backflips and weird tricks as the parade started and people cheered him on. 

he heard a few "I love you spiderman"s  and a few gasps as people saw that another superhero was just like them. People laughed at Bucky and Steves shirts and appreciated the other heros outfits.


After the parade, the group went home and hung out together In the main room.

"Thank you guys, that was amazing" Peter said laying across Steve and Bucky as there was no space left on the couch.

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