Over The Lake

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Peter knew he had to be strong, not just for himself nut for Morgan. He had to make sure she was ok, make sure she always knew he was there for her to talk to. Peter knew what it felt like to have the man who raised you leave forever with no chance of coming back. Tony's sacrifice was what saved them all, but it lest scars on everyone, whether it was Bucky being unable to properly apologies for killing his parents, Rhodey losing his best friend, Pepper losing her love, Peter losing his mentor, or Morgan losing her father at such a young age. Peter had to stay strong for her, he could mourn when she was asleep.

The pair of them sat out on a bench, overlooking the lake where the funeral was held, just enjoying each other's company and feeling safe in knowing they were in the presence of someone else who had a close, father-child like relationship with the man who saved the world. They didn't need words to be said, neither wanted to ruin the atmosphere and shatter the calmness with words that can't do their love for Tony, or each other, justice. The silence allowed them to reflect on the memories they had of Tony, and re-live the best times they've had.

A small sniffle broke the silence that had engulfed them, Morgan had a few silent tears running down her soft, pale cheeks, her eyes dazed and unfocused as she stared into the distance, silently hoping her dad would come walking out from the line of trees declaring he was alive and would never leave her. But of course, that wouldn't happen.

Peter wrapped his arm around her narrow shoulders as she curled into his side, her body shaking with her broken sobs. Peter couldn't help it, he let the tears in his eyes fall in front of Morgan for the first time, and he felt freer than he had since the funeral. He promised himself he would help look after Morgan and give her the best childhood experience he could, he would protect her as best he could and make sure no one would tease her for not having a dad just like he was.

As the day went on it got gradually colder, Peter unwrapped the blanket he had brought and covered the both of the with it so they could stay by the lake and not catch colds. Morgan's cries had subsided and she was cuddled up to Peters side watching out over the lake. She missed her father deeply, but she would never forget him, and she would never forget how brave he had been to save everyone.

As Peter looked out over the lake, he tightened his hold on Morgan ever so slightly as he mentally promised Tony he would keep his little girl safe.

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