bullies and uncles

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Peter was in his last lesson of the day, science. It'd be interesting if he hadn't already learned it with his uncle Bruce.  He watched the clock intently willing it to go faster. His uncle Steve and uncle Bucky were picking him up today, and whenever that happened they always ice cream on the way home leaving Tony with his very hyper spider son.

when the bell finally rang through the school, Peter raced out the door in hopes to avoid his bully, Eugene 'Flash' Thompson, but his so called 'parker luck' decided otherwise.

Peter had just got out the door, thinking he was free, when he heard Flash yelling.


Peter could see his uncles car, and Bucky was standing by it looking for him. When he spotted Peter, he didn't like what he saw.

Flash was holding Peter by his bag straps and getting far to close for comfort. when Flash saw Bucky start to slowly walk over he started talking gain.

"wow penis, paying the winter soldier to come get you to keep up your lie.  oh wait you don't have any money, so whose dick did you suck huh?"

while this was happening Steve saw what was happening and caught up to Bucky. they both heard what Flash had said. when Flash looked up he saw two Fuming super soldiers stood behind Peter. he let go of peter and took a step back.

Bucky spoke first

"what did you just say to my nephew?" he said in a calm voice with an underlying threat

"n-nephew?" Flash stuttered

by now peter was stood in between Steve and Bucky, who had his metal arm around his shoulders.

"you heard him. now answer the question. what did you say to him? I don't like bullies" Steve spoke up, taking a dangerous step forward with his cap face on.

Flash didn't answer

"that's what we thought. now stay away from Peter or you'll have some angry avengers at your door." Bucky growled, squeezing peters shoulder.

Flash just nodded and ran away. Steve and Bucky looked at Peter.

"why didn't you tell us you were being bullied?" Steve asked with concern clear in his voice

"I didn't think I was a big deal. plus if he picks on me he isn't picking on others." Peter replied with a shrug.

"as nice as that is Pete, you should still tell us. you can trust us ya know that right?" Bucky re assured him. Peter just nodded. "good, cause that one never told me, and look what happened to him before the serum" he said pointing at Steve with a smirk. Peter chuckled

"Hey" Steve said in mock hurt with a pout " but ya still lone me ya jerk"

"punk" he quipped.

Peter smiled at their relationship, hoping for something like that one day.

"anyway" Bucky broke the silence " ice cream?" he asked and clapped once

"ice cream!" Peter said with excitement.

And that's how tony ended up with a genetically enhanced son literally bouncing of the walls while Steve and Bucky walked into the elevator snickering.

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