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Peter was a hydra soldier. Winter Spider was his name in the field, or just PTR167 if he wasn't in the field. he had been with them for most of his life, he was sent there when his parents found out he had spider powers. that was when he was 6. he was now 16, he had been with them for 10 years.  the first 2 years were spent testing his abilities in many different ways, some painful, some not so much. the next 3 years was spent training him to be a perfect soldier, he was trained in fighting, killing, being stealthy and leaving no witnesses by the winter soldier and learned how to properly control his powers by scarlet witch and quicksilver. those three  got away, they were traitors to the winter spider, but to PTR167 they were the people who helped him the most. He has now spent 5 years being hydras best assassin and he was being sent out yet again.

"Winter Spider, we have a job for you" Peter stood at attention, not making eye contact with the man. this showed that he was ready and listening.

"we have located the traitors. we want you to bring them in." the man threw a uniform at Peter "fail, and there will be consequences" and with that, he left the arachnid to prepare.


Peter was ready to go, he was in a jet on his way to the location of the traitors. He jumped out of the jet and landed safely and skillfully on the ground. He saw the tower he was sent to and scaled the walls, he kept going until he say a room full of people lounging around. He recognized the traitors and thought of a way to get in quietly. he went along the windows until he found an empty room, he hacked into the system he was told about and climbed through. the spider silently walked down the hallway to the room with the traitors in. FRIDAY had been hacked so hadn't alerted the avengers of the young assassin creeping towards them. 

Bucky, being the trained assassin he was, heard Peter before he reached them.

"EVERYBODY UP!" he shouted getting into a fighting stance, everyone else following suit when they saw Peter, in his Hydra uniform.

(things in italics are in Russian)

"why are you here?" Asked Bucky, authority in his voice. He hadn't heard of or seen any hydra agents in at least two years.

"what do you want?" Pietro scowled at him

"we're not coming with you" Wanda stated.

Peter stalked closer, only his eyes visible as the mask was covering the rest of his face.

"take one more step and ill blow you to shreds" Tony said, his suit already forming on him

"you wont get very far tin can" Came Peters British accent that the three ex assassins knew so well.

"Peter?" Bucky asked in confusion

"who the hell is Peter" He replied equally confused.

Peter then began to fight each of the avengers, he had webbed up all except Bucky, Wanda and Pietro  as they knew of his abilities and knew how to fight him. Pietro ran passed him and threw an apple at the back of his head, full speed. Peter turned around to face him, he was fuming.

"what, you didn't see that coming?" Pietro said thinking he could help bring peter back with a joke they shared with the other two. and it worked, Peter was staring into space, a sign he was starting to remember.

"Pete? you ok?" Bucky asked cautiously

"Buck?" Was all that left Peters mouth before he collapsed into sobs.

Bucky rushed over to him and Peter cuddled into his side mumbling "sorry" over and over. Wanda and Pietro joined them on the floor after cutting the team out of the webs.

once Peter had calmed down, he continuously apologized to the avengers he had fought. They all understood as they had seen it before with Bucky. 

Bucky let peter use his shower and leant him some clothes, they were too big but he knew that's how peter preferred clothing.  The team and peter watched movies all night, Peter was sat with Bucky as he had the strongest bond with him and didn't know how to feel about the rest of the team. Pietro was next to Peter and Wanda sat in front on the floor.


Bucky had decided to adopt Peter with Steve. They were now his legal guardians. He began to trust Steve quickly because Bucky trusted him. The two helped him through a lot, they helped him through nightmares and sleepless nights, they tried their best to teach him about the real world and they got their own floor and Peter had a special room to go in during a sensory overload.

Peter was glad he had found the team, His life had changed for the better and he was finally happy for the fist time in 10 years.

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