peter what!

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requested by Mimibella793 

"Dude this sucks" Ned told his friend " I mean we don't know where we're going but it sucks that you can't come."

" I know, im sorry. But dad said I have to have a few days off. my stress levels are rising and its making me go into sensory overload a lot." Peter said with a frown " but you gotta tell me about it when I see you."

"It's gonna suck without you dude."

---time skip---

Today was the day of the field trip and Peter was still in bed. 

it wasn't until 10:00 am when  his pops came and made him get out of bed that he actually showered and got dressed. He was starting the day with Natasha, they were going to do dancing together, it helps ease both their stress.

He ate some breakfast and went to the training room so they could spar after.

They did ballet, they were spinning and leaping and being graceful. 

While they were doing this, Peters class was on a field trip. to his home. where he lives. where he was dancing. with Black Widow. and guess what... they were watching them. But they hadn't been seen.

Peter and Nat went from dancing to sparing within a matter of seconds to the surprise of Peters class mates, Peter had Natasha pinned down in 5 minutes. 

Only when he went to get water did he notice his class. he awkwardly waved and smiled at them. He would never hear the end of this.

After that he went to teach Steve and Bucky more about modern day NYC  and its technology.

"ok. so, trivia time." Peter told the super soldiers "Pops, how do you take a photo on your phone?"

"uhh. you press the on button, swipe the screen and press the button and snap. picture taken" Steve said looking rather proud of himself

Peter nodded. "yep. ok and Uncle Bucky, how do you call someone?"

"yeah give me the hard one." Bucky laughed "uh you unlock it, go to contacts, click their contact and click call?" he said unsure of himself

"yep. well done, noice, snazzy" He stopped saying weird words when his Pops and Uncle looked confused. he just laughed at them.

after that about hour long lesson, Peter went and talked with wanda for a hour. just talking about general stuff before he went to the lab.

"hey dad" Peter said as he walked in

"hey kiddo. Did Steve get his question right for once?" Tony asked, wanting to know if he could laugh at his husband.

"he actually did. So did Uncle Bucky" Peter chuckled when he saw his dads jaw drop.

"Steve Rogers-Stark, Captain America, my husband, your father, got a question about modern tech right?" Tony was shocked.

"yes, in fact I did. i'm not that oblivious tones"  came Steve's voice as he smirked at his husband. Tony just smiled back.

"Pete wanna give me a hand, I doubt Stevie would know how to fix this car" Tony smirked

"is it flying yet. Buck and I were promised a flying car in the 1940's" Steve asked, humor in his voice.

"aha I wish" Peter laughed as he got to work. 

some how they got onto the topic of wade.

"Why don't you like wade?" Peter asked "why don't you want me to date him?"

"Pete, he's a mercenary, he kills people for money" Tony replied smoothly

"actually he hasn't killed in two months" Peter said just as his class walked in. witnessing the exchange between the two. neither noticed as their heads were still under the car.

"and how would you know that?" Steve replied accusingly, raising his eyebrows, he hadn't noticed the class either as he was facing away sketching his husband and son.

"well Pops, ya see, its kinda funny actually. well you see, im kinda-already-dating-wade" he said speeding his speech at the end.

"Wait. WHAT?!" Steve said " you got a boyfriend and you didn't tell us. wow, I feel so uninvolved in your life. my own son, keeping secrets?" He said with mock hurt

"anyway, why cant I date him dad. he's an amazing and caring person?" Peter wined

"ugh ya know what, invite him over for dinner and let us meet him." Tony said begrudgingly

"Yay thanks dad!" Peter said as he slid out from under the car. he finally noticed his class mates

"oh. uh hi guys. how much did you hear?" Peter asked nervously. only ned and mj knew he was a rogers-stark

"since talking about how someone hasn't killed in two months" The tour guide said, sounding bored.

"oh hi peters class. I'm Captain America, But call me Steve. That's Tony. since you're all hear, got any questions?" he smiled at the class.

"Since when did Parker live here?!" Flash seemed to recover easily.

"Since we adopted him 3 years ago" Steve said like it was no biggie 

"and since he is so very smart, he gets to work in the lab with his old man" Tony said then smirked "well, not his old  man, cause that's Steve. He's old. His amazingly awesome handsome and smart dad."

Steve rolled his eyes at the comment.

"anyway, you guys cant tell anyone about this cause people don't know yet. if it gets out I'll sue whoever told for all their money. got it?" Tony went serious.

everyone nodded.

" good" he fake smiled 


that evening, wade came over and it turns out, he isn't so bad after all. Tony let them date and everyone was ok. 

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