Me Too...

1.9K 67 26

Request from Pika-Girl1

TW: mentions Child M*olesters


Peter sat in the lounge with his family when the news interrupted their show.

"It's like 11pm what the heck!" came from Clint who was really enjoying the show.

"There has been a string of murders in New York City, believed to all have been committed by one person. All the people who have been murdered were known to have sexually abused children. The first one to have been murdered, and identified by Forensics, is a man names Steven Westcott, more commonly known as 'skip'. It is believed he was killed out of revenge and then the murder decided to go after others. Police are currently looking into Stevens files to see if any of the children, who would now be teenagers, are named as they will be interviewed." The lady on the news kept talking about this but Peter took no notice of it. the only thing running through his mind being 'oh god, they're gonna interview me and everyone's gonna find out'

Peter felt like he could throw up as all the flashbacks resurfaced, but he kept it cool so as not to let his family, the Avengers, know what was going on and that he was one of those kids. So, he kept watching the TV as it returned to the show they were watching and cuddled into the person sat closest to him, which happened to be his Uncle Bucky, who guessed he was just tired and put an arm round him. Peter drifted off to sleep hoping that maybe his name wasn't in those files, that maybe his name had been lost or forgotten about.


Apparently, his hope was working somewhat, he hadn't been questioned. Yet. It had been almost a week since the news report and no one had spoken to him.

Peter woke up, got ready for school and left the compound and swung the few blocks to midtown tech. he met up with Ned in his first class, chemistry, and they got on with their work.

"Did you hear that they said there's only a few remaining suspects left?" Ned whispered to Peter, who was sat next to him. Ned was the only one who knew what skip had done to Peter.

"Desperately hoping I'm not one of them" was Peters reply

"Dude... There's like 3 left.... And they all go to midtown tech.... I think you might be, sorry" Ned whispered back, sincerity and sympathy pouring into his words. Peter didn't reply that time, he just nodded silently and finished his work.

The lesson continued like that for another 5 minutes when there was a knock at the door.

"Hello, I'm detective Santiago, this is detective Diaz, we're with the NYPD. We'd like to talk to Peter Parker" The detective said, it wasn't a question.

"Oh uh. Of course" Replied the teacher, who looked at Peter.

Peter stood up and walked out of the classroom, keeping his head down until he was in the empty hall. He Looked up at the detectives and waited for them to start.

"Do you know why we're here?" Santiago asked, Peter nodded "Ok, do you mind telling us what happened with Steven Westcott a few years ago?" Her voice was soft and non-threatening, almost comforting.

"Well, he was my babysitter when my aunt had to work extra time after my uncle died, and my parents died when I was young so they couldn't look after me. He would make me go shower and then when I was done, before id gotten dressed again, he would... touch me and stuff" By this point Peter was almost sobbing " no one ever believed me because he was 'so sweet' or 'not that kind of guy' saying I should stop looking for attention. So, he would keep doing it because he knew nobody believed me. It only stopped when my aunt finally believed me because she walked in on my crying in a towel after he'd left. She never let him back in the apartment" He finished and looked at the detectives who both looked like they wanted to hug him.

"Ok, can you tell us where you were on the night of march 30th at 9pm?" Detective Diaz asked, Santiago was too shocked to say anything

"Uh yeah. I was at a science convention from 7 till 10, I have pictures if you want proof" He Tells them, having calmed down slightly, his eyes puffy from crying.

"If you don't mind. Its not that we don't believe you, its that we need evidence to close the case." Santiago said, regaining her ability to speak without crying

Peter pulled out his phone and showed them the pictures and the date and time they were taken.

"Ok, thank you. We can set you up with counselling if you want it" Santiago said to him, Peter just shook his head and smiled gratefully at the pair and walked back into the class room.

----meanwhile in the classroom-----

As soon as Peter had left the room Flash had perked up.

"Peter Parker the murderer, who would've guessed" He chuckled, but the class stayed silent, looking around the room wondering if it was really him.

When Peter walked back in, eyes red and puffy from crying, he sat back down next to Ned, who smiled small at him, and kept his head down. The quiet didn't last long since flash was sat in front of him.

"Finally lose it and kill someone? Huh" When he got no answer he just continued "Seriously though, you're so weak how did you manage to stab him like that?" Peter kept his head down and the teacher made sure Flash didn't say anything for the rest of class, but that didn't stop him looking at Peter and making stabbing gestures.

The bell finally rung signaling second period, so Peter packed his stuff and lest with Ned to their second class, Math. But unfortunately, Flash was there too.

About half an hour into the lesson the detectives came in asking to speak with Flash, who looked like a deer caught in headlights before glaring at Peter as he walked out. He was asked the same questions as Peter, his answer to what happened with Skip was almost identical to Peters, except the family life.

When Flash walked back in, he glared at Peter but said nothing for the rest of class. When they had left class, however, Flash shoved him into some lockers.

"What the hell did you say to them about me Parker?!" he yelled, with tears in his eyes

"I didn't say anything Flash" He replied, tears in his eyes

"Then how the hell did they want to talk about me. HUH?! Answer me! Did you tell them I'm a killer?" He shouted; voice hoarse.

"I didn't say anything about you Flash. They're talking to victims of Skip, how was I supposed to know you were one too" Peter replied crying before he ran out the doors to the front of the school to calm down.

He didn't see flash again until the end of the school day when everyone had gathered outside to see a student being taken by the detectives, he'd been arrested for the murder of Steven Westcott and 6 others. Flash approached him, face splotchy and eyes puffy from crying.

"I'm really sorry Peter. I had no idea you'd been through the same thing. I'm sorry I've made your life hell, it's because of what I went through with him but that's no excuse. I hope we can move past this; I feel like we could use each other" Flash spoke, looking at Peter so he knew he meant it

"Yeah, I think we can move past this, I'm sorry it happened to you too" Peter replied. The pair hugged each other an were both crying slightly.

From then on, the pair became close friends, comforting one another when they had flashbacks or panic attacks. The other students at Midtown never said anything bad about them or did anything to purposefully harm them.  Whenever one of them needed something, the other was happy to help. Flash also found out his masked identity as Spiderman, he was amazed and wondered how Peter hadn't kicked his ass for being a dick.

Peter told the Avengers what happened with Skip, they all cried and said they would never let anything like that happen to him again, before they all sat together and watched movies. And if they formed a Peter Parker Protection Squad, He didn't need to know. 

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