uhhm what??

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(Pietro is alive because I love him and brought him back woop)

 After Ultron, Wanda and Pietro started going to Peters school. They still needed education even if they did have superpowers, and the trio quickly made friends due to the small age gap between them.

they were all in chemistry and the teacher was droning on about something the three already knew.

(italics is them talking in Russian)

"Peter, this is boring we did this with tony" Pietro commented to the brown haired boy sat in front of him

"I know. but it means we can ace the test" Peter replied

the class went on for what felt like hours until they were allowed to pack up. Peter had bent down to pick up a pen he had dropped.

"Peter, don't do that." Pietro wined 

"what? why?" he asked confused

"cause we are in school and your ass is too cute to not want to look at" Pietro smirked at his boyfriend

"Pietro!" Peter scolded playfully

Pietro just giggled at him


after school, Peter was waiting by the gate for wanda and Pietro to come out the doors, he was on the phone to his aunt Nat.

"Yeah, im just waiting for them to come out of the school so we can walk back to the tower" Peter said in answer to her question of where they were

"ok, just hurry up, tony is being annoying and he said he wants his, and I quote, favorite spiderson."  Peter chuckled at his dads antics

""yeah, we will be home soon" Peter replied before hanging up

"since when did you speak Russian Penis Parker?" Flash shouted from about 2 meters away making Peters ears ring slightly

"for a while actually" He replied

"don't talk back at me you filthy homo" Flash spat at him

just as he said that, Pietro and wanda walked out.

"what did you just say to my boyfriend?" Pietro said in heavily accented English

Flash visibly gulped "uhh n-nothing." 

"that's what we thought, now scram" Wanda spoke up and flash made a run for it.

Pietro wasted no time in speeding both his boyfriend and sister home.


from then on, whenever someone even looked at Peter in the wrong way, Pietro was there to hug peter from behind and glare at everyone. And the two wouldn't have it any other way.

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