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Peter was being bullied. he was bullied because of the way he dressed and the way he looked. he had piercings and a quaff. he wore leather jackets with pastel tops. he had a scar on his neck from when he fell through a glass door as a child, his dad made sure there were no glass doors to be seen after that event.

Peters dad didn't know about the bullying, it never got physical and Peter didn't really care. People can think what they want about him, as long as they don't do it to others.


the school day was over, Peter had just walked out of the double doors and was about to walk over to his dads car.

"hey parker!" Flash yelled, Peter just carried on walking, hoping his dad wouldn't notice. "PARKER! im talking to you. did daddy never tell you to listen when someone's talking to you?"

"he did yes. but he also told me to ignore rich pricks like you" Peter said without turning around.

before his spidey sense could warn him, Flash had kicked his legs in. Peter fell to the ground, before he could get up flash had grabbed his shirt collar and punched his face, breaking his nose.

Peters dad had seen everything, as soon as that kid grabbed his sons collar he was out of the car and storming over.

"excuse me?" he growled

Flash looked up and instantly let go under the harsh glare he was being given. "omg... youre the winter soldier" he said

"leave. my. son. alone. understand?" Bucky spat, flash just nodded and ran away.

"I had that one dad" Peter said getting up

"I know ya did kid" Bucky replied putting his arm around peters shoulders "lets go home"

Peter smiled at his dad, they got in the car, turned the music up and sang along to passion for publication by anarbour


when they arrived home, they went to their floor and sat on the sofa watching tv.

"how long Pete?" Bucky said, breaking the silence

"how long what?" Peter replied

"how long has that kid been bullying you?"

"umm since like, last year" Peter said, his voice sounding small

"why didn't you tell me Pete, I could have helped sort it out" 

"I didn't want you to worry"

"im always gonna worry Peter, you're my son"

"I know" Peter smiled

Bucky pulled his son into a side hug "cmon spider baby, what do you want for dinner?" 

"hey, I told you to stop calling me that" Peter wined climbing onto the ceiling and hanging upside down, suspended by a web in front of his dad "im not a baby" he pouted

"my point has been proven" Bucky said pointing to Peters face and then the web he was hanging from "spider baby"

Peter flipped down to the floor

"anyway, what do you want for dinner. Flies sound good?" Bucky said trying not to laugh

"ha ha very funny dad" peter replied, sarcasm dripping from his words

"but seriously, what d'ya want?" Bucky asked

"ummmm ooohhh can we make pizza?" Peter said, his face lighting up

"sure kid."

and that's how the winter soldier and spider man, father and son, ended up covered in flour eating pizza on the sofa watching Disney films.

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