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Peter was going on a school trip, this will be fun you may think. But no, you are wrong. Peter going on a field trip to his own home. The place where he lives. With his family. And his dads. Who love to embarrass him. so  no, this probably wont be fun for Peter.

the morning of the trip had arrived and Peter sluggishly pulled himself out of his bed and showered. As he walked down the hallway he could smell pancakes coming from the kitchen, and of course this smell lead to Steve stood in the kitchen wearing an American flag apron. 

"Hey bud, pancakes?" Steve asked as Peter sat down.

"yes please" Peter said smiling. 

Steve put a stack of pancakes in front of Peter, who ate them in a matter of minutes.

"I gotta go, field trip" Peter yelled as he ran to the elevator, fast so he didn't have to tell his father where the field trip was, and ran to school.

Honestly, he had to go to school just to come straight back home again. 


Just as Peter had left, Tony walked in.

"Hey Cap. Why's spider baby in a rush?" Tony asked as he sat at the kitchen bar and picked up a pancake

"Hey metal head. Peter has a school field trip today. no idea where though" Steve replied

"What school again?"

"Midtown tech" Steve answered with furrowed eyebrows

"Wait. Midtown? They're touring this place today." Tony said, eyes widening and a huge smile breaking out on his face.

"No wonder he didn't wanna tell us. He knows we would embarrass him.... and we will" Tony said

-----------time skippp cause im lazy-------

The class had arrives at Avengers tower and were staring at it in awe. 

"right, we are going to go in and collect passes. I expect you all to be on your best behavior" Mr Harrington said as he lead the students into the lobby.

"ppsst. Parker, what you gonna do when everyone finds out your internship was a lie?" Flash remarked when the teacher had gone to the desk.

"Nothing, cause its not a lie Flash" Peter replied, already sounding done with Flash on this trip. 

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night" Flash said sarcastically. 

The teacher came back with a tour guide who was holding a box of badges and wearing a navy blue shirt, the tour guide uniform.

"Hi everyone, my name id Robyn and ill  be your tour guide for today. When I call your name just come up and collect your badge. Your badges are white as they are the lowest security level, the highest level is 10 and that card is black. now, ummm Ashley Ashead" The tour guide continued to call out names until she got to a note at the bottom of the basket.

"Peter Parker?" She asked looking around the group, Peter looked up and smiled "ah Peter, do you have your badge?" she questioned.

"Oh uh. yep" He said as he pulled it out of his pocket, Robyn nodded and smiled.

"well then, lets get started." Robyn started by explaining the history of stark industries before they got to the security gate. "Ok, just swipe your card and walk through. Like this" She demonstrated

Flash pushed to the front and wore a smug smile as he scanned his pass. 

"Eugene Thompson, level 1, guest. welcome" Friday announced making him jump.

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