field trip from hell

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"Do I have to go?" Peter moaned to his Aunt who had recently moved into to Avengers tower with him.

"Yes Peter, You have to go." She replied with a font laugh and an eye roll.

"But whyyyy?" He wined.

"Because then you can show those kids you really do have an internship. Plus, if you don't go it'll just get worse." May reasoned.

"But you know the teams gonna embarrass me."

"i'm sure it wont be too bad" 

Peter put the signed permission slip in his bag and headed out to school after saying "see ya later" to everyone he could find.

---time skipperoo--

After Peter handed in his permission slip, he went and sat next to Ned and Mj.

"I'm gonna die" He said bluntly

"Dude, chill this is gonna be so much fun, you'll be fine." Ned said excitedly

Peter just groaned

"Whats up Parker, scared everyones gonna find out you're lying." Flash sneered from where he sat.

The trio just ignored him and carried on talking until they arrived.

"Will the Avengers be there? Will we see your lab? Do they know who I am? Im your guy in the chair, did you tell them about me? OMG if you did I think i'll die." Ned rambled on.

" Probably. I donk know, probably not. Yes they know who you are, please don't die, if you die i'll die" Peter answered

By now they had reached the tower and everyone (minus Peter and Mj) were staring up in awe  when the got off the bus. they walked in, met their tour guide and got there badges.

"Hi im James Thomas and i'll be your tour guide today. Keep your badges on show at all times, our head of security gets a little...unhappy when he cant see them, don't lose it, Mr.Stark doesn't give second ones unless absolutely needed. Any questions?" James asked

"yeah. why don't Parker and Jones have a badge?" Flash asked with a smirk "Wont they get shut out?"

"oh. Mr. Parker Miss.Jones, I didn't see you there. you have your personal badges right. Sir didn't print new ones. You know how he is"

Peter and Mj pulled out their badge's, Everyone in the class gaped at them, Flashes jaw almost hit the floor.

"Great, lets head through security" he motioned towards the gates and demonstrated "just swipe your card and walk through"

"James Thomas, Security level 4 tour guide" FRIDAY announced, making the students and teacher jump.

Flash went first, smiling smugly. 

"Eugene Thompson, security level 1 visitor" Hearing FRIDAY say the same thing just changing the name 15 times was getting annoying. Now it was only Peter Ned and Mj left. Mj went first.

"Michelle Jones, security level 9, welcome back Mj, Peter is not currently here, Should I inform Miss. Stark of your arrival?" FRIDAY greeted. 

" no thank FRI. just a school trip."

then Ned,

"Edward Leeds, security level 9, welcome back Ned"

"thanks FRIDAY"

Peter walked through next.

"Peter Parker, security level 10, Welcome back Peter, Mj just arrived, I have informed Mr. Stark of your arrival"

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