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clint and peter were at the tower alone. The other avengers had gone on a mission and the two were bored.

"I have an idea" Peter said, smiling devilishly. Clint made a gesture for him to continue. "we should prank the others for when they get back."

"what were you thinking" Clint smirked back

"paint Steves shield the Canadian flag, spray tonys suits pink, hide all the pop tarts from thor, put webbing all around sams room, leave Nat cause she'll kill us and leave bruce cause we don't want the big guy to come out and put spiderman and hawkeye merch around Buckys room" Peter replied confidently

"I love it, lets get started" 

and with that, the two got to work on their plan.


when the rest of the Avengers got home, they were all extremily tired and went straight to their rooms. 

the first to come back was sam..... covered in Peter webbing.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed

"CLINT I SWEARI WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" Came Buckys voice as he ran into the room and made a beeline for Clint who had scurried up into the vents.

"PETER, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TOUCHING MY SHIELD?" Steve said in his angry mom voice.

Peter gulped. He hated the angry mom voice.

next was thor

"Where art mine poptarts young comerade?" he sounded like someone had killed his dog

"MY SUITS" Could be heard by tony.

with all the annoyed looks in the room, Peter ripped his clothes off revealing his suit, pulled on his mask and yeeted out the window screaming:


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