you can sing?

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Peter was the adopted son of Tony and Steve. He was adopted at the age of 2 and is now 17, The couple adopted him in there first year of marriage. The 3 had been a family for 15 years and Steve and Tony had yet to learn things about Peter... including the fact that he could sing and dance.

One day Peter auditioned for the school musical as a joke, he didn't know he'd actually get in... or get the lead male. They were putting on Dear Evan Hansen and he got the role of Evan Hansen. 

All the late rehearsals Peter told his parents were decathlon or that he was studying at the library. He wanted to surprise them with tickets since their wedding anniversary was coming up, it was actually the day of the performance and Peter wanted to see their reaction. 

Peter was in a rehearsal, they were a few days from show day and Peter was doing amazing. they were running 'sincerely me' again as it was the only song that really had dancing. 

'Dear Evan Hansen, we've been way too out of touch.                                                                              Things have been crazy, and it sucks that we don't talk that much                                                                 But I should tell you that I think of you each night                                                                                                 I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight!' The Person playing Connor sang

'Why would you write that?!' Peter spoke with a tune

'I'm just trying to tell the truth' The person playing Jared spoke with the same tune

This song continued un till the end, with the weird dancing and amazing singing. They ran the whole show and it was time for the cast to go home before tomorrows full day rehearsal.


The full day rehearsal all went well, They were ready for tomorrow. show day. 

Peter walked home to the avengers tower and went up to the penthouse. Peter had the tickets in hand and was ready to surprise his parents. Only he heard shouting. His parents were fighting. Peter had never heard them fight before so this was new to him. What he didn't expect was for the topic to be him. Peter walked out of the elevator and stood there watching.

"NO HE LOVES ME MORE STEVE!" Tony shouted with a smile on his face

"MMHMM SURE. LETS ASK HIM WHEN HE GETS HOME." Steve yelled back, turning around to see Peter "Oh hey Pete, who do you love more: Me, your dear old pops"

"old is right" Tony mumbled, Steve ignored him

"Or Tony, your dad" Steve finished

"umm" Peter was speechless as both his parents smiled at him, trying to win him over "i love you both equally, you each have qualities the other doesn't. Anyway, i know your anniversary is tomorrow and I got you a present. you got to open it now" He said, changing the subject. Steve and Tony nodded, satisfied with the answer, sat on the couch and opened the tickets.

"Tickets to a school play of Dear Evan Hansen? What is this Pete?" Tony asked, very confused, whilst Steve put the pieces together and looked like an excited puppy.

"I'm in it. I also play the lead role" Peter said smirking

"Wait, seriously. so all these study sessions and decathlon practices were all a cover up?" Tony asked smiling. Peter nodded. "Wow, thanks Pete" Tony said now as excited as Steve.

"hope you like the gift" Peter said, now worried they didnt wanna go

"We love it bear. Can't wait" Steve said, seeing his sons worried look. He got up and hugged his son, Tony joined after telling FRIDAY to save the dat, even though it was tomorrow. 

"anyway, i'm gonna go to sleep cause I dont wanna be tired for the show. g'night" He said before rushing to his room.


Show time came all too quickly for Peter, he looked out into the audience and saw his fathers sat in the front row. 

"You're on Pete" and with that the show started 

"Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day, and here's why..." Peter said, starting the show. 

After each song sung, Steve and Tony were giving the loudest cheers for their son. 

When the Show had finished and they were doing the bows, Everyone gave Peter a standing ovation and a round of applause. 

When he walked off stage and went over to his fathers, all three had the biggest smiles on their faces. 

"That was amazing Bear" Steve said, hugging his son. 

"It truly was Pete" Tony said, kissing his forehead 

"I'm so happy you liked it." Peter replied hugging his parents. 

"just one thing" Steve said

"Whats that pops?" Peter looked confused

"You can sing?" Steve said, looking like the most excited golden retriever to ever exist, Tony smiled at how adorable his husband was.

"Uh, yeah I guess I can" 

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