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Peter was swinging around the city when he heard a scream. He instantly went in the direction of the sound. When he got there, there a was a man with a knife trying to mug a smaller, skinnier looking man, he immediately swung down and stood at the opening of the alleyway. 

"Hey, leave him alone!" Peter shouted as he moved to stand in front of the victim before whispering a small "run", which he did.

The larger man with a knife just looked the hero up and down

"Fine, i'll squash you instead. Make you really feel like a spider" He growled

"Wow, but ya know, spiders are extremally strong so you may find that difficult." Peter sasses.

The man said nothing more as he lunged at the young spider, Peter dodged just in time. 

In the middle of the fight Tony was calling Peter, wanting to know where he was.

"Hey Mr. Stark. Hows it going?" Peter said as if he wasn't trying not to get stabbed.

"Yeah good. Where are you kid?" Tony replied, confusion in his voice as he could clearly hear the fight 

"Uh ya, um in out" He stuttered 

"I hope you're not doing something stupid" Tony said

"I hope you're not hoping too hard" Peter quipped as he got a knife in his side and let out a grunt. before the man could run, Peter had him webbed to the wall and the police, who had been contacted by the smaller man who had run, had arrived to take him to jail.

"Kid, what happened?" Tony said, a sense of urgency in his voice

"Aha, i got stabbed" Peter said casually "eh, i'll heal in a few hours"

"No, Kid come to the tower, I'm gonna fix you up. oh and Steve will probably lecture you on being more careful so you better be quick" Tony said as he hung up.

And thats what happened, Peter swung to the tower, his side was still bleeding but Peter seemed unfazed. He entered through the window of the common floor living room where all the avengers were stood with concerned and disappointed looks. 

"Peter, are you ok? you look completely unfazed" Sam asked the kid

"oh yeah. this is nothing, I once had a building collapse on top of me" He said without thinking, the loss of blood finally getting to him. 

"What?!?!?!" The Avengers all shouted, wanting to know why they hadn't been told. 

"AH yea. i'll tell you about that later. But right now I need medical attention. The red stuff is draining from my body and my head feels as fuzzy as a grizzly bear" He then collapsed into Steve, who carried him to the med bay.


when Peter had woken up, he was on strong painkillers and was as high as Jupiter. Once the team had made sure their youngest member was ok they moved on to other matters.

"So, The building?" Tony asked

"AH yes. Sit down children for I am about to tell you a story. Get comfortable cause im high and it may take a while." 

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