dumbass disease

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Steve, Bucky and Sam were on a mission. it was an easy one that should only take a few hours, they were in the quinjet waiting to get to the jump point and just holding light conversation.

when they were close, Steve went over the plan.

"Bucky, you and I will go in through the front. Sam I want you to fly over head. got it?" He said in his Captain America™ voice. the two gave him a nod and put on a parachute. Steve didn't.

"Steve. Parachute" Bucky said firmly, knowing his best friends idiotic antics. Steve didn't listen.

Bucky turned to Sam "Yeah, the history books have stuff about Steves asthma and everything. But they don't know about his worst illness" he said

"What's that?" Sam said confused.

"Its called dumbass disease" Bucky replied loud enough for Steve to hear.

"No, I don't need a parachute" Steve said back

"And its incurable" Bucky said seriously.  

"Buck, c'mon" Steve whined

"no Steve. Put a parachute on or ill put one on you" Bucky said with a raised brow and staring Steve down.

"ugh fine" Steve said breaking under Buckys harsh glare

"good boy" Bucky said jokingly

"good boy" Steve mimicked 

"You lookin for a fight Rogers?" Bucky out his fists up but he was smiling

Steve matched him "Always Barnes" 

"ok you two. you sound like a married couple" Sam interjected 

The two stopped and proceeded to jump out the jet, however they were bickering so much during the mission Sam had turned off his comms until they got back to the jet. 

"I hate you guys sometimes" Sam said

"We know" Stave and Bucky said at the same time.

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