Why Would You Dream That???

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@peperoniwitch Surprise!

Peter was sat on the couch sketching. He had his pastels layed out in front of him, yellows, browns, greens, reds and greys. He had been spending hours on this one drawing, he needed it to be perfect. He hummed to himself as he drew and blended different colours together. 

None of the others knew what he was drawing, Peter had told them it was a surprise for them as he knew everyone would love it. 


Two hours later, he had finally finished his masterpiece and was ready to show the team. 

He called the team into the room and told them to sit down as he stood in front of them all.

"Right, I know you guys are curious as to what I've been drawing all day, but I'm finally ready to show" Peter said to curious adults in the room. 

Slowly, he turned his sketch pad to show the team of super heroes what he had spent all day drawing.

The group sat in awed shock as they stared at the beautifully created, perfectly blended drawing in front of them. The colors were perfect, the blending was spectacular and the execution of the overall piece was marvelous.

"Kid... I really don't know what to say." Came from a shocked Tony, earning mumbles of "Yeah, kid" from everyone else

"I mean... it's brilliant Pete, but where did you get the inspiration for such a thing?" Steve asked.

"I had a really strange dream and felt like I should share" Peter replied

"Why the hell would you dream of me as a taco?!" Bucky asked incredulously 

"Dunno really" 

And surely, there in front of the group was a beautiful sketch of a taco. But it had the eyes nd mouth of one Bucky Barnes, along with a silver arm looking as if it was protecting the fragile food item.

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