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Peter walked into his new school after being dropped off by his uncle Bucky. Peter had to leave Midtown Tech because the bullying got too out of hand with no one doing anything about it. So he transferred to William McKinley High School for the rest of his senior year.

The first thing he did when lunch rolled around was look at extra curriculars. Football?...  nah, not for someone with super strength. Debate club?... nah, he was too polite. Speech club?... nah, not good at public speaking. Glee club?.... yes, he loves singing and dancing. So he decided he would stop by the rehearsal after school today to see if he could watch.


once the bell rang at the end of the final class Peter made his way to where he had been told the choir room was. When he got there he walked in and stood by the doorway, too nervous to say anything.

"Hey, can I help you?" A tall guy, about his age said as he walked over. 

"Uh, I was kinda thinking of trying out. Could I like... sit in a watch what you guys do?" Peter replied nervously

"Yeah dude, that's awesome. I'm Finn by the way" The tall guy, Finn said.

"Thanks, I'm Peter" Peter said going to sit in the back

"Right guys, This weeks lesson is...... Re-writing history" A Teacher said as he walked in and wrote on the board. Finn had his hand up "Yes Finn?"

"Guys, this is Peter. He's sitting in today to see if he wants to join, so be nice." Finn said, Peter gave a small wave

"Okay, welcome Peter, i'm gonna split you into threes and you can work together to prepare a song. Do you want to be in a group Peter?" MR Schue asked

"Uh yeah sure" Peter replied

"Ok. We will have, Santana Britany and Quinn, Artie Mercedes and Tina, Puck Mike and Finn, Peter Kurt and Rachel. split up and decide on songs" Mr Schue said

Kurt and Rachel both moved to sit with Peter.

"Hi, I'm Rachel Berry. I'm the star of this club" Rachel said holding out her hand which Peter shook. Kurt rolled his eyes

"Kurt Hummel, nice to meet you" Kurt said and shook Peters hand, smiling. "Do either of you know a song we could do, this has me blank" Rachel shook her head, trying to think

"What about Six... ya know, from six the musical It's Henry the eights story told from the wives perspective." Peter suggested "It's just an idea" He added nervously

"Why didn't I think of that. I love that song" Kurt said "We have to do it. You in Rach?"

"Uh heck yeah. Feminism" Rachel replied

"We just need a place to rehearse, my house is out of the question, my dad wants to watch football with no distractions tonight. Rach?" Kurt said, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Cant do mine, my dads are having guests round" Rach said

"I could ask my dads if you guys can come to mine?"  Peter spoke up

"You literally just met us, are you sure?" Rachel asked 

"Yeah, totally. Text my pops now" Peter says as he gets his phone out and texts Steve

[to Pops]

Hey, I joined the glee club, could two of them come over tomorrow, we need to rehearse a song?

[from Pops] 

Yeah of course, glad you joined something. Just tell them who your family is before they get here and freak out. see you soon.

"yeah he said its cool, you guys can come to mine tomorrow after school" Peter smiled

"Awesome" Kurt smiled back as Mr Schue started talking again

"Ok that's all we have time for today, see you all tomorrow" He said as everyone began to walk out. 

"Peter, wait" Kurt called down the hall "Can I ask you something?" 


"Are you gay?" He asked

"oh uh... Yeah, Why do you ask?" Peter said nervously. A cute guy just asked if he was gay

"Well um, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Kurt asked nervously

"Yeah... yeah I'd like that" Peter replied.

"OK, cool. gimme your phone" Kurt smiled when Peter did, and he put his number in "Text me" He said before he walked off


The next day after glee, Kurt Peter and Rachel were all walking back to Peters house when Peter told them who his family were

"OK um... I'm not actually Peter Parker, that's a cover name... My name is Peter Stark-Rogers. I'm Tony and Steves son and I live with the Avengers" Peter said as they got closer to the compound

"Wait, really" Rachel said, Peter nodded

"That's pretty cool, those two are such gay icons" Kurt said and Peter smiled.

The trio got to the tower and got in the elevator going to the main floor so they could drop their stuff in Peters room then go to the music room.

"Welp, here we are" Peter said as the elevator doors opened 

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