you have a girlfriend?

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The group of Earths mightiest hero's were sat in the living room talking about whatever came to mind. They could hear shouting coming from Peters room, they thought it was Phil again nut when they heard what was being shouted they had second thoughts. 

from down the hall the group could hear Peter shouting "I LOVE YOU.......NO I LOVE YOU MORE.... NO YOU" etcetera and they were getting concerned. So Steve, being the mom he was, decided to knock on his door as the other avengers followed. 

"Peter, honey, who are you shouting at?" Steve asked, to which Peter opened the door.

"Oh hi pops. um, ya know MJ?" Peter replied, to which the group nodded "Ya her. shes my girlfriend" he closed the door

"Oh OK honey, have fun" Steve said, completely respecting and understanding Peter

"WAIT, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!!" Tony shouted before bursting into his sons room  

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