Well that's a bit gay

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The Avengers and Peter were all walking into target, ignoring all the looks they were getting from on lookers. They were walking down an isle when Peter and Tony suddenly just took off running down a different one, grabbing a shopping cart on their way, the group followed after them and saw the father-son duo throwing Pride related things into the cart, flags, hats, clothing, paint, anything they could see that was remotely rainbow or other flag related. Peter had grabbed rainbow eyeshadow pallet and gently placed it in the cart before going back to throwing things in. The rest of the group looked on in amusement before they decided to join in.

Soon the group of heroes had payed for their things, completely forgetting the things they had gone for, and returned to the tower to decorate. Peter was hanging from a web, sticking pride flags to the windows, Steve was putting up rainbow bunting with the help of Bucky, Natasha and Clint were baking a rainbow cake, Thor was sending a message to Loki to get him to join them, Sam and Bruce were setting up a stereo to play music from Pietro had sped in with Wanda before going to help Peter with the flags.

Before they knew it, the whole penthouse was covered in rainbow flags, bisexual flags, a transgender flag, pansexual flags and somehow there was glitter everywhere, we don't question that though. Peter had climbed down from his web and jumped on to Pietro's back, kissing his temple, Steve and Bucky had taken to cuddling on a couch, same as Thor and Bruce. Natasha had kicked Clint out of the kitchen in favor of Wanda so he went to sit on the bookshelf with Sam trying to coax him down. Tony was sat in a chair, pouting because he wasn't cuddling the man he wanted to cuddle.

About five minutes later, Natasha and Wanda walked into the lounge with the finished cake, it was a marble rainbow cake with white icing and little edible rainbows on it, and put it on the coffee table with a knife. Just as Natasha went to cut it up, a flash of light came from the hallway, and immediately knowing what it was, Tony's face lit up with happiness. Loki walked in the room and looked around with a blank expression, before he broke out into a grin.

"well, this is a bit gay isn't it?" he said and laughed when Tony ran and jumped into his arms, kissing his and grinning.

"Just a tad" Tony replied before hopping back to the floor "I got you something though" He walked into the kitchen and got a genderfluid pride flag pin before walking back and handing it to the black-haired God. "I saw and though of you"

"Thank you Tones, I love it" Loki smiled. The two of them sat on the couch cuddling.

As the day turned to evening, people started drinking and they had a pride party. They did karaoke, truth or dare, never have I ever. Anything they could think of, until it got late and everyone separated to go to their rooms with their significant others.

And to think, this all started with one trip to Target

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