soul stone

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Peter had been in the soul world for a while now. He didn't know exactly how long, time  seemed to go by faster as there was no day and no night, it was just constantly a dim orange colour. 

He'd been wondering around for what felt like what should have been days until he found other people. He found the people he fought in the airport, Sam and Bucky, who went very wide eyed when the saw that the young man was Spiderman. A teenager. A superhero. They were shocked to say the least. With them was Stephen Strange, Wanda, Rhodey and Hela. 

Peter decides to go over and talk to them, he was tired of being alone.

"Um.. h-hi" Peter said as he got to the group,  all of which turned to him, confused. The only one not confused was Dr. Strange as the two fought together on Titan. "I'm Peter... Spiderman" He continued at the confused faces. 

"You're a teenager?"  Sam stated more questioningly than he meant. Peter just nodded, he had just turned 17 before the snap.

"You're a good fighter kid" Bucky said smiling at him. Peter just smiled and looked at his feet. 

The group included Peter in what they did and he became really close with Bucky and Hela.

------jeffs back. he says time skip-----

After what felt like a few days in the soul world had actually been 4 years in the real world.

The coms in Peters suit began to crackle and he could hear parts of sentences.

"GUYS!" he yelled for the others "My coms just started to work. I can hear people talking" 

"Who is it kid?" Bucky sked, eyes wide

"Umm, it sounds like... Tony and maybe.... I think its Captain America. They're.... They're talking, about how to get us back." He replied, seeing everyone release a breath and smiling slightly. 

"What're they saying?" Hela asked

"Um.. Something about how we're stuck in a stone. They don't know how to get us out.... WAIT! I have an idea" at the looks he was getting he continued "I can try and calibrate my suit so I can communicate with Mr. Stark, I think I know how to free us" 

"DO IT!" was the reply he got from everyone.

Peter nodded quickly and got to work. 

After a few minutes he had it working, and so everyone could hear it

"Tony?" Peter said, hoping he could be heard . there was a beat before he heard:

"Pete?" came Tonys voice

"Yeah, its me, I'm here with Sam, Strange, Hela, Rhodey and Bucky." He said

a distant "Thank God Buckys there. If I lost him for real i'd kill him" Came from Cap

"Hey Stevie" Bucky said

"Hey Buck" came his voice again

"I think I know how to get us out of the stone" Peter said, cutting their conversation 

"HOW?!" came multiple voices, making the soul group jump

"You need to get the stone and destroy it. If you do that all the dust that collected in it, us, will reform in the real world" Peter Told the real world group 

"Are you sure Pete?" Tony replied

"Yes, I did all the calculations. it'll work"

"Ok, I trust you" 

only moments later did the group start to dust away, out of the soul world and into the real world once again.

They all reformed back together in the real world. They were stood outside the avengers compound, where the rest of the group were waiting, hoping it worked.  They walked in and were greeted with hugs and tears. Everyone hugged and thanked Peter for getting the solution.

Peter saw Hela standing alone and went over to her.

"Hello young spider" She said and smiled

"Hi Hela, aren't you happy to be back?"

"Oh yes. I am, very happy" she said sincerely. 

Peter hugged her, before a loud shout came.

"GET AWAY FROM HELA" Thor shouted across the room. Hela just rolled her eyes "What're you doing here Hela, recruiting the young man of spiders to help you kill everyone?" 

Hela was about to speak but Peter beat her to it

"No Mr. Thor. I have been speaking to Hela in the soul world. She's nice when you get to know her. She regrets everything she did and just wants to get along with you" He said, defending Hela

"It's true brother. I am truly sorry for my actions and I would like to ask for your forgiveness even though I don't deserve it." Hela replied

"Well. Maybe I can begin to forgive you slowly since this young  child seems to like you." Thor stated

"Thank you brother. and thank you young Spiderling. For helping me"

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