Mr. United States

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Steve was dressed up nice, no-one knew why. either he was going out or he was dressed up for the fantastic fours visit, which was unlikely, they were coming for dinner since Peter and Jonny were dating.

"hey Capsicle, where ya going?" Tony asked

"out" was the only reply

"who with? you and Bucky going out again?" Clint chimed in with a mischievous smile.

"maybe" He said feeling giddy.

its not that he didn't want to be there with his family for the dinner, but he and Bucky had this night planned for a while. And. only Peter knew, he was planning to propose to his life long friend turned more.

Just he was about to go get Bucky from his floor, Peter ran up to him.

"hey Uncle Steve, wait a sec." she whispered

"what's up pete?" he replied

"I just wanted to wish you luck. don't be too nervous, your speech is great and I'm sure Uncle Bucky will be ecstatic" He reassured a nervous looking Steve, and gave him a hug. 

"thanks Pete, and thanks for making the ring" Steve said as he hugged him back.

"No problem. now, go get him" peter smiled and let go of him.

Steve chuckled at his choice of words and left.

Soon after, Jonny and the others arrived.

"PETEY. I missed you!" Jonny shouted as he ran and picked Peter up and swung him around

"oof. I missed you too JonJon" Peter laughed

"I told you not to call me that Petey-pie" he pouted

"and I told you not to call me that" Peter retaliated.  

they both laughed and Jonny set Peter down. Everyone greeted each other and fell into light conversation over dinner.


Steve and Bucky sat down at a table in the fancy restaurant, they were near the back out of the way.  they were half way through their meals when Bucky started to get concerned.

"Hey Stevie, you ok?" Bucky asked, putting his hand on Steve's.

"Hm? oh yeah, yeah I'm fine, great actually" Steve spoke looking into Bucky's blue-grey eyes. "Actually, there's something I need to ask you." 

Bucky gave him a look telling him to go on. Steve got down on one knee, Bucky put his hands over his mouth.

"Bucky, I've loved you since the 30's when we were teenagers, and I love you to this day. You've always been there for me and I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my life. Buck, to me, right now, you're almost perfect. the only thing that you need to be perfect, in my eyes, is to be my husband. so, James Buchanan Barnes, my soldier with a shining metal arm, will you do the honors of being with me 'till the end of the line and marry me?" Steve said with a hopeful smile.

"Of course I will you punk!" Bucky nearly yelled, they were both crying as Steve slipped the ring, engraves with 'till the end of the line and made by Peter, onto his finger before sharing a kiss filled with love. everyone in the restaurant had watched the scene and all had tears in their eyes, they started clapping for the newly engaged couple.

The couple then finished their meals, payed and drove home to tell everyone the good news.

--at the compound--

everyone had finished dinner and were sat around on the sofas watching a film. Peter was watching the clock, he knew Steve and Bucky would be back any minute and he wanted to know how it went. 

after 5 minutes they heard the elevator ding, Peter was the only one to move, as he was the only one who knew, and he ran to see the doors open to two smiling super soldiers. Peter looked at Steve expectantly and he just nodded. Peter squealed and ran to embrace them.

"oh my God I'm so happy for you guys. I told you he'd say yes Uncle Steve." Peter said loudly.

Bucky looked confused, so Steve explained how he knew.

"I asked him to make the ring"

Bucky embraced Peter "Thank you so much. I love it" he whispered tears welling in his eyes again.

"anything to help my two favorite uncles" He whispered back

the squealing  got everyone else's attention as the all walked over.

"what's going on?" Tony asked tiredly

"Stevie proposed over dinner!!" Bucky said excitedly. Steve smiled at his husband-to-be

everyone, including the fantastic four, congratulated them. Jonny looked at Peter hoping to marry him some day. Peter felt the same way about Jonny.

"and what made you say yes? other than the fact you've known each other for like 90 years?" Nat spoke up

Bucky motioned to Steve and said:

"why? well, he is beauty, he is grace, he is Mr. United States"


if you guys want a part 2 let me know

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