Stucky Adopt

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Steve and Bucky had been married for 3 years and they wanted to adopt a kid, but they wanted a teenager. someone who could look after themselves if they had to go on a mission.

"Bucky come on, we're gonna be late if we don't go soon" Steve said, trying to get his husband out of bed.

"ah I forgot about the orphanage, ill be 2 minutes!" Bucky replied as he quickly showered and got dressed.

when they were ready they left for the orphanage.


Peter had been in the orphanage for at least a year and a half, he had lost all hope of ever getting out. He was still only 16 so he had 2 years left.

He heard there was a couple coming in today and was getting ready just in case they wanted a teenage boy, which he has discovered is unlikely. 

after about 5 minutes the couple walked in.  he seemed to be the only one who was too depressed to care that it was Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.


Steve and Bucky walked into the orphanage to be met by a middle aged woman with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She asked kindly

"well, we're looking to adopt" Steve replied with a smile.

"ok. do you have a specific age and gender?"

they looked at each other

"uh, preferably a male, age 14 to 17" Bucky said

"ok, right this way please" she said a she lead them to a room. when they walked in there were 4 teenage boys lounging around. When the boys saw who walked in they all jumped up excitedly, well all but Peter. He just looked at them and then back out the window. 

The couple talked to 3 of the boys then went over to Peter.

"Hi, what's your name kid?" Bucky asked the teen.

"uh, Peter. my name's Peter" Peter stuttered slightly

"hi, im Bucky and this is Steve. can you tell us about yourself?"

"hi, um well, im 16, my aunt died last year and ive been in here for just over a year. I like science and cooking. I also kinda like drawing. and that's about it to be honest." Peter rambled

Steve smiled, so did Bucky. they gave each other a look.

"how would you like to come home with us, would you be ok with us adopting you?" Steve asked

"are you serious?" Peter asked unsurely

"yeah, you seem like a really great, kind and caring kid, we'd love to adopt you" Bucky replied with a smile

"o-ok, you guys seem really nice" Peter smiled and Bucky pat his shoulder.

"let us go talk to that lady and we'll be right back." Bucky said.


when they had finishes signing papers they went to tell Peter the good news.

"hey kid, go pack your stuff, you're coming home with us" Steve smiled

"okay, ill be right back"

it only took Peter 5 minutes to pack, he only had his uncles brief case, his aunt and uncles wedding bands on a necklace, some clothes and, of course, his spidey suit.

"you ready?" Bucky asked

Peter nodded and began to walk with them.


when they got back to Steve and Buckys apartment, they showed Peter his room.

"this is your room Pete, decorate it however you wish" Steve told him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"thank you so much" Peter said and hugged them both, they both instantly hugged back. 

"no problem Peter"


the next morning over breakfast Peter asked the question they all wanted answered.

"so, what do I call you guys?" He said awkwardly

"uh, well when youre ready you can call me pops and Bucky dad?" Steve said, questioningly looking at Bucky for approval

"sound good. when you're ready" Bucky reassured 

"ok, thanks" Peter said "I gotta get to school. ill see you guys later. oh um when I get back I need to tell you guys something" and he was running out the door


School was pretty uneventful for Peter.  Flash only hit him a little bit so it would heal by the time he got home.

Steve and Bucky spent the day watching tv and wondering what Peter needed to tell them.


When Peter got home, he put his stuff away and went to talk to his new parent thingys.

"uh hey. can I talk to you guys?" Peter asked

"of course bud, what'd you need to tell us?" Bucky asked while patting an empty space on the couch.

Peter sat down 

"uhh well, ya know spiderman?"

"yeah, we think he's great why?" Steve asked, clearly confused

"well, im kinda him" Peter said while showing his web shooter

"omg that's awesome. Stevie we adopted Spiderman, yes" Bucky hugged Peter, who hugged back. Steve soon joined in.


a month later, the family were happy. Peter got on really well with the couple and they did things a normal family would do. But Peter still felt a little awkward about calling them dad and pops and still called them Steve and Bucky.


Peter was watching tv in the front room, when Bucky walked in and sat next to him.

"hey kid" Bucky said and smiled.

"Hey." Peter replied with a smile.

Bucky let a devilish grim make its way onto his face, Peter saw this and got confused. Without warning Bucky leapt over to Peter and started tickling him. 

"no stahp" Peter shouted while laughing

"Nope" Bucky continued to tickle him.

"No dad stop." Peter said still laughing not realizing what he had said.

Bucky stopped immediately, he had tears in his eyes.  Only then did peter realize what he said. He was about to say something when Bucky cut him off.

"No take backs" he said smiling. He hugged Peter, who hugged back.

Steve then walked in "whats going on?" he askes smiling at his husband and son

"Nothing Stevie, just had a tickle fight" Bucky smiled innocently then looked a Peter giving him a 'play along and go for it' look. 

"yeah nothing Pops just tickle fighting" Peter said also smiling innocently.

Steve's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. he looked at Bucky who he figured had already been called dad.

Steve just smiled and hugged them both " I love you guys"

to which Peter replied with a smile "love you too"

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