Endless Night

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Peter sat on the roof of Avengers Tower, staring at the sky. It was cloudy and so there were no stars visible, but that was okay because that's how Peter felt on the inside. He felt like there was no light, nothing nice to look at. He had become so lost in himself and so utterly depressed since he lost Tony. Nothing felt the same anymore, he felt like no one was there to help him, like he was so completely lost. Tony was his father... his home. 

As Peter looked at the sky he began to sing to himself.

Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day
How can I find my way home?
Home is an empty dream, lost to the night
Father, I feel so alone

You promised you'd be there whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name you're not anywhere
I'm trying to hold on, just waiting to hear your voice
One word, just a word will do to end this nightmare

When will the dawning break? Oh, endless night
Sleepless I dream of the day
When you were by my side, guiding my path
Father, I can't find the way

You promised you'd be there whenever I needed you
Whenever I call your name you're not anywhere
I'm trying to hold on, just waiting to hear your voice
One word, just a word will do to end this nightmare

As he finished singing to himself, he felt the coldness of the air and the warmth of his tears mix together. He knew that if he didn't go in soon he would freeze.

"Goodnight Dad, I love you 3000" He said softly as he went back to his bedroom, tears falling freely as he curled into a ball and fell asleep.

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