How soon is now?

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"I am the son... and heir... of nothing in particular. You shut your can you say I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does."


"Sirius?" James calls when I step through the portrait hole.


He's in the common room alone sat in front of the fire. James sets the Marauder's map down, "You were talking to Cordelia,"

"Yeah." I say. I want to tell him everything—but it's not really my place. Besides, he'll hear rumors soon enough. "She wanted to talk about Remus," I hate lying to James, it feels like kicking a fucking puppy.

There isn't enough surprise in his face. He doesn't believe me.

He hums to indicate he doesn't believe me. "Yeah, yeah, yeah ," he says, trying to sound indifferent. I can tell he wants to know the truth.

I stand there for a few seconds too long. But I know I can't delay this forever. I have to get going. I have to find my brother.  "I'm going to the room," I announce trying to sound tired as I go up the stairs.

"Uh-huh, sure, see you later," James calls after me sarcastically. "Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you SHARE WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND,"

He'll survive, I think to myself.

I shut the bedroom door carefully before I turn to the room.

Of course he is there. He stands against the wall across from me besides the open window. His face is hard and his body is tense. He looks at me wordlessly.

I stand, waiting for the torrent of questions, but it doesn't come. He just continues to stare, possibly just waiting for me to speak first.

"Hey," I finally say, making a movement towards my bed so I can grab the suitcase from underneath.

His raises a brow. But still doesn't speak as I begin tossing in a flurry of clothes.

" I talked with Cordelia," I let out a wry chuckle, but his expression doesn't change. "No harm done this time," I insist with a shrug.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah actually—" I'm walking to the bathroom and begin gathering my body sprays and hair products from the counter and drawers. "I can't really tell you where or why," I toss the products in my suitcase.

I debate if I should tell him I'm going with Cordelia... will it interfere with the trail prep? Nah, that's between them and Merlin.

"Sirius," he rolls his eyes. "Don't be dramatic I'm sure whatever you two said about me couldn't have hurt you so bad you feel the need to leave,"

I grind my teeth together. His hands are on his hips as he looks at me, distant. He's still standing against the wall and I hate the space between us.

I take a deep breath and cross the room. He doesn't move when I wrap my arms around him. "For once, this isn't about you," I mutter.

'where we are now' remus lupin & regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now